
Create a PyTorch operator using Halide without a Halide Generator

Primary LanguageC++

Create a PyTorch operator using Halide without Generator

This example shows how to compile a Halide pipeline to a static library without using a Halide Generator and how to load it in PyTorch.


Install Halide and PyTorch, as well as CUDA toolkit.

Then comes a bug of Halide. In HalidePyTorchHelpers.h (this file is in /usr/include/ in my system, and it may vary), there is a forward declaration of halide_cuda_device_interface:

// Forward declare the cuda_device_interface, for tensor wrapper.
const halide_device_interface_t *halide_cuda_device_interface();

But if you follow the next steps, you may find the linker complaining undefined symbol _Z28halide_cuda_device_interfacev. But actually if you inspect the compiled static library, you can find that halide_cuda_device_interface is in the symbol table, which means it is in C ABI and is mistakenly mangled by C++. So the solution is to add extern "C" before the forward declaration:

// Forward declare the cuda_device_interface, for tensor wrapper.
extern "C" const halide_device_interface_t *halide_cuda_device_interface();

So you may need to manually modify the system headers.

Compile and Test

First build the binary and run it.

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Then return to the project root directory and test the PyTorch operator.

python test.py


This example is based on this and the Halide official tutorials.


This example is free for use.