
Yet a small tool that used to sync a file from restricted path to unrestricted path.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Usage: syncdir SRC <target>

syncdir is only a small tool that used to sync
a file from restricted path to unrestricted path. 

This is good for a code that stored in vFat partition
that does not has a support for storing executeable
file or binaries, Especially for those ones who stuck
compiling binaries.

SRC    - Original source directory from restricted path
target - Target path for the good/unrestricted side.

If there's no <target> provided, The current directory will
used to get synced directory. You may need to re-sync it if
there's a new file from original source.

Do not use the synced directory for git. That would lead you
to a very big issue. Copy every files from original source
if you're done.

Example of usage:
  syncdir /media/usb/my-project

Known issues
 - A file/directory that contain space is not synced very well, Instead, it's all splitted.

* syncdir by @Yonle
* https://github.com/Yonle/syncdir