
A bot library for the game EverybodyEdits

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

BotBits Version Issues

Focus on your ideas, forget PlayerIOClient.

BotBits is the most popular bot library made specifically for Everybody Edits. Maintained by Yonom (Processor).


Download from NuGet (https://www.nuget.org/packages/BotBits)


Step 1: Import BotBits' namespaces

using BotBits;
using BotBits.Events;
using BotBits.SendMessages;

Step 2: Create a new BotBitsClient instance

BotBitsClient bot = new BotBitsClient();

Connecting to EE

Using the Login class, you can login. Email, Guest, Facebook, Kongregate and Armorgames are supported login methods.

    .WithEmail("email", "pass")

Please note that BotBits automatically sends "init" and "init2" messages and waits for their responses to be received before CreateJoinRoom finishes running.

Receiving Messages

You can load event listeners (which will be called automatically when a message is received) using the EventLoader class.


// Or for non-static handlers


You can define an event listener in the following way:

static void On(JoinCompleteEvent e) 
    // Code to be executed when the bot joins the room

There are many other events in the BotBits.Events namespace: InitEvent, JoinEvent, LeaveEvent, CoinEvent, ForegroundPlaceEvent, BackgroundPlaceEvent, and so on...

Interacting with the game

Lots of things your player can do are in the Actions class:

Actions.Of(bot).Move(10 * 16, 10 * 16); // Move to 10x10

You can chat and use chat commands with the Chat class:


Room settings can be viewed or changed in the Room class:

string roomOwner = Room.Of(bot).Owner;

Managing players

BotBits automatically maintains a list of active players in the room.

You can loop through this list and access the stored variables of players:

static void On(JoinCompleteEvent e) 
    foreach (Player p in Players.Of(bot)) 
        Console.WriteLine(p.Username + " has smiley " + p.Smiley);

You can also store your own variables:

var player = Players.Of(bot).FromUsername("processor").FirstOrDefault();
if (player != null) 
    player.Set("IsBanned", true); // variables can have any type (int, bool, string, custom type, ...)

And retrieve them later:

if (player.Get<bool>("IsBanned"))
    player.Kick("Sorry but you are too not allowed to play this level!");

Working with blocks

First, let's take a look at the way BotBits handles block ids:

Every block is given a name in BotBits, so you don't have to remember confusing ids in your code.
For example, to access the "air" block (ID: 0), you just have to type Foreground.Empty!
To get a blue coin, you type Foreground.Coin.Blue.
An invisible portal? Foreground.Portal.Invisible!

The same applies to backgrounds: Background.Empty, Background.Basic.Blue, etc.

Just like players, BotBits takes care of maintaining a live preview of the world.

Here's how you can get info about a block in a certain location:

Foreground.Id id = Blocks.Of(bot).Foreground[0, 0].Block.Id;
Player placer = Blocks.Of(bot).Foreground[0, 0].Placer;

You can also loop through every block (although it is not recommended to do this very frequently!)

foreach (var location in Blocks.Of(bot))
    if (location.Foreground.Block.Type == ForegroundType.Portal)
        Console.WriteLine("Found portal with id: {0}, target: {1}",

Placing blocks

As you would expect, BotBits automatically slows down the sending speed of block packets so that they are not dropped by the server.

In worlds you do not own, EE servers only accept one message every ~10 milliseconds, and BotBits is able to send around 96 blocks per second without dropping any packets. Blocks that get dropped are automatically resent, so you don't have to worry about that either!

In your own world, sending messages too fast results in you or your players being kicked from the server. By default, BotBits sends 400 messages per second. This speed can be changed in MessageSender:

MessageSender.Of(bot).SendTimerFrequency = newFrequency;

Important: For worlds you do not own, the SendTimerFrequency should be kept at MessageSender.DefaultSendTimerFrequency!

Let's place a block:

Blocks.Of(bot).Place(1, 1, Foreground.Basic.Gray);

Let's fill the whole world with that block:


Or maybe just a section of it?

Blocks.Of(bot).In(new Rectangle(10, 10, 10, 10)).Set(Foreground.Basic.Gray);

Checker the world!

Blocks.Of(bot).Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).Set(Foreground.Basic.Gray);

Or only a part of it

Blocks.Of(bot).In(10, 10, 10, 10).Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).Set(Foreground.Basic.Gray);

The possibilities are endless!

Oh and special blocks are supported too:

Blocks.Of(bot).Place(x, y, Foregrounds.Portal.Normal, 0, 1, Morph.Portal.Left);
Blocks.Of(bot).Place(x, y, Foregrounds.Portal.World, "PW01");
Blocks.Of(bot).Place(x, y, Foregrounds.Coin.GoldDoor, 10);
Blocks.Of(bot).Place(x, y, Foregrounds.OneWay.Pink, Morph.OneWay.Down);
Blocks.Of(bot).Place(x, y, Foregrounds.SciFi.BlueSlope, Morph.SciFiSlope.InSouthEastPart);


Take a look at this custom ban list, snake bot or a speed run bot.


Anyone can code extensions to make BotBits more awesome!

Here are some existing extensions: