
ShopData may return unknown error if key does not exist

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If item.itemKey does not exist in the dictionary, count will be false. This is what TryGetValue is supposed to do, however, the error is not caught.

Then, this._itemCounts[item.ItemKey] = count + 1 will cause two exceptions:

  • item.ItemKey does not exist
  • cannot add "1" to false

GetCount() will return false if the key does not exist, which will cause an error because the return type is int and not <Nullable>int.

Check if the value exists, and if it does then use it: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb347013%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

File: https://github.com/Yonom/BotBits/blob/master/BotBits/Helpers/PlayerData/ShopData.cs#L15

I'm not too familiar with returning/setting enums as null so the following examples may be okay. If they are, disregard them:

Enum.TryParse(this.Reward, out res);

Enum.TryParse(a.Id, true, out badge);

Yonom commented

An int cannot be "false", it is 0 by default. The result value of TryGetValue is ignored and this is done intentionally. You can indeed add 1 to 0.

item.ItemKey does not need to exist for me to be able to set it's value, it will just add a new item to the dictionary in this case.

Enums are valuetypes and cannot be null, the functions will return their default value.

Invalid issue, cannot reproduce. Closed.