
A simple MVC Framework

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple MVC Framework without any bloat. Just download the project and use it as a template.


index.php contains your project's configuration. Feel free to change this file in order to define your app's structure.

SimplePhp::DefaultPage(0, 'index');               # Redirect example.com to example.com/index
SimplePhp::NotFoundPage('views' , 0, 'notfound'); # If no view is found, display the /notfound page

SimplePhp::LoadDir('controllers', 0);             # Run the controller
SimplePhp::LoadPage('templates', 'header');       # Display the header
SimplePhp::LoadDir('views', 0);                   # Display the content
SimplePhp::LoadPage('templates', 'footer');       # Display the footer

The numbers specify the segment of the URL to use for evaluation.
DefaultPage and NotFoundPage define the standard pages that should be displayed in certain situations.
LoadPath loads a .php file with the corresponding name inside the folder specified.
LoadDir loads a .php file that has the same name as the URL segment specified.
The SimplePhp class can be used everywhere, even inside your controllers.