
Primary LanguagePython

Fine tuned Llama as planner / tool picker (based on Llama 3 8B Instruct)

User Query → ToolPicker → [selected strategy to answer query]

→ use Llama 70b Model to execute the selected strategy

Implemented Strategies:

  • answer: Directly answer the query
  • chain-of-thought: Think step by step, then answer.
  • web-search: Search the web for results

Policy: Use the least costly strategy (time, money) to fulfill the user request.


MMLU [high_school + college, mathematics + physics + computer_science]

→ 50 % fine tune set [470 entries]

→ 50 % eval set [471 entries]

Fine tuning dataset:

  • System prompt: 'Plan the next action. Options:\n"answer": Directly answer the question.\n"chain-of-thought": Think step by step and answer.\n"web-search": Use a search engine to find the answer.’
  • Input: question + choices from MMLU eval set
  • Output: "answer" | "chain-of-thought" | "web-search" → for each question, identify the least costly strategy that yields the correct result

Eval Results:

  • Always use answer: 303/431
  • Always use chain-of-thought: 348/431
  • Llama 3 70B Instruct: 318/431
  • Llama 3 8B Instruct: TODO
  • Toolpicker: 318/431