
A CV/Resume generator in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


CVME is a simple DSL that generates HTML CV/resume templates.

The generated HTML page can then be converted to PDF by a web browser or other software.

Example and the html that it generates


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cvme'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cvme



After installing the gem, create a new .rb file and require the gem:

require 'cvme'

Next, call the create method on the Cvme module:

Cvme.create(html, 'default') do 

The first argument is the path of the outputted HTML file. For example: html = '/Users/user/desktop/cv.html' would create the file on the user's desktop.

The second argument is the name of the template you want to use. Leave this as default unless you create your own template in the templates directory: lib/cvme/templates

The block is where your code will go.

###Header (personal info)

Your personal information goes in the header block. There are currently 7 reserved methods (user, email etc...) that you can use as seen below:

  header do 
    user    'Jean Luc Picard'
    email   'jean@gmail.com'
    address '12 Rue de montagne'
    city    'La Barre'
    state   'Franche-Comté'
    country 'France'
    phone   '1286493820'

You can add more methods in the header.rb file: lib/cvme/header.rb


Groups create structure for the CV template.

You can name your group whatever you want. In a CV you would typically see something like this:

group 'Education' do

group 'Work experience' do  

group 'Projects' do

group 'Interests' do


Entries are items that go inside a group.

For example:

group 'Work experience' do  
  entry 'Captain of the USS Stargazer' do
    date '2333-2356'
    description 'Commanding officer on the USS Stargazer'
    b1 'Defended the Stargazer from over 12 Cardassian attacks'
    b2 'Managed relations with the Cardassians and Klingons' 

There are three reserved methods inside the Entry block:

date => the date, or start and end dates of the entry.

url => the url address

description => for text

b1, b2, b3, b4, b4... b20 => for bullet points

###Full Example:

the html it generates

require 'cvme'

html = '/Users/user/desktop/cv.html'
template = 'default'
Cvme.create(html, template) do 
  header do 
    user    'Jean Luc Picard'
    email   'jean@gmail.com'
    address '12 Rue de montagne'
    city    'La Barre'
    state   'Franche-Comté'
    country 'France'
    phone   '1286493820'

  group 'Work experience' do  
    entry 'Captain - USS Enterprise-D' do
      date '2364-'
      description 'Captain of the latest galaxy class starship.'
      b1 'Evaded multiple Borg attacks'
      b2 'Succesfully held the the Romulan-Klingon border'
      b3 'Managed relations with Q'
      b4 'Lived on the planet Kataan for 40 years'

    entry 'Lieutenant Commander/Captain - USS Stargazer' do
      date '2333-2356'
      description 'Commanding officer on the USS Stargazer'
      b1 'Defended the Stargazer from over 12 Cardassian attacks'
      b2 'Managed relations with Cardassians, Ferengi, Klingons, and Vulcans'

  group 'Projects' do
    entry 'Simulated Universe' do
      date '2353'
      description 'Helped in the creation of a simulated universe for Dr. Moriarty and his wife'
    entry 'Archeology: Uncovered a 21st century DSL written in Ruby' do
      date '2355'
      url  'https://github.com/Yorgg/cvme'

  group 'Interests' do  
    entry ' ' do 
      b1 'Fencing'
      b2 'Racquetball'
      b3 'Equine sports'
      b4 'Flute playing'
      b4 'Archeology'
      b5 'Latin'
      b6 'Shakespeare'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/cvme/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request