
This is Team 4 back-end submission for Hack.Diversity's 2020 de.Hackathon. A demo of a job listing web-app.

Primary LanguagePython

Dehack 4

Getting Started



pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If using a virtual development environment i.e. virtualenv:

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker & Docker-Compose

Docker containers are used to facilitate local development.


Command Description
docker-compose up Start the local development environment
docker-compose down Stop the local development environment.

Once up and running, you can access your local api by going to

Environment Variables

Environment variables allow you to configure your application environment. These values will be passed to the API and can be retrieved by using os.get_env.

Variable Description
FLASK_APP Name of application that the Flask development server should start. This should be the name of your Python package relative to your current directory. i.e cscl_api
FLASK_ENV Environment type that FLask should be running in. development enables Debug and should only be used for local development. production disables debug and is appropriate for a production build.
DATABASE_URL (Host Machine Postgres) URL to Postgres server. Must start with postgresql://user:password@host.docker.internal/database
DATABASE_URL (Docker Postgres) URL to Postgres server. Must start with postgresql://user:password@postgres/database




Swagger documentation
