Codebase for "GANITE"

This code is the algorithm of GANITE by PyTorch. The code is inspired by the official repository (

Reference: Jinsung Yoon, James Jordon, Mihaela van der Schaar, "GANITE: Estimation of Individualized Treatment Effects using Generative Adversarial Nets", International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2018.

Paper link:

This directory contains implementations of GANITE framework for individualized treatment effect estimations using a real-world dataset.


See requirements.txt

Different parts from the original code.

  • Enable to use PyTorch
  • Enable to use tensorboard for logging.
  • Enable to use experimental name in results dir
  • Different optimization algorithm from Adam to AdamW
  • Enable to use GPU
  • Enable to store the model parameters and results as text under results dir

Command inputs:

  • name: experiment name
  • data_name: twin
  • train_rate: the proportion spliting data into training
  • h_dim: hidden dimensions
  • iterations: number of training iterations
  • batch_size: the number of samples in each batch
  • lr: step size for optimization in networks
  • alpha: hyper-parameter to adjust the loss importance

Note that network parameters should be optimized.

Example command

  1. Run the experiments
python --data_name twin --train_rate 0.8 --h_dim 50 --iteration 10000 --batch_size 4096 --alpha 1 --name no_drop_adam01 --lr 1e-5
python --data_name twin --train_rate 0.8 --h_dim 200 --iteration 10000 --batch_size 4096 --alpha 1 --name no_drop_adam02 --lr 1e-5
python --data_name twin --train_rate 0.8 --h_dim 50 --iteration 10000 --batch_size 4096 --alpha 1 --name test_separate_train01 --lr 1e-5
python --data_name twin --train_rate 0.8 --h_dim 50 --iteration 100000 --batch_size 4096 --alpha 2 --beta 2 --name addinference_loss01 --lr 1e-5
python --data_name twin --train_rate 0.8 --h_dim 8 --iteration 5000 --batch_size 128 --alpha 2 --beta 2 --name addinference_loss02_arch_5 --lr 1e-5
  1. See log
tensorboard --logdir .results/test01
  1. Test by trained model
python --name no_drop_adam01 --epoch 10000 --h_dim 50


  • test_y_hat: estimated potential outcomes
  • metric_results: PEHE and ATE
  • model parameters for generator, discriminator, and inference_net


  author = {Yohei Nishimura},
  url = {},
  version = {1.0.0},
  year = {2023}