This repository contains the code for a web application built using Ruby version 1.9.3 and Rails 4.

The application uses a PostgreSQL databases. Run rake db:create:all to create the databases followed by rake db:migrate.

The application needs to be registered as a web application with Facebook. For secuirty reasons Facebook will only redirect (after login via facebook) to a url specified on Facebook in the app summary page. When testing and during development this is set to http://localhost:3000/, but when used in production must be set to the production url.

The application assumes facebook developer credentials are stored in the following environment variables.

  • ASN_FACEBOOK_ID - containing the facebook "app code"
  • ASN_FACEBOOK_SECRET - containing the facebook "app secret code"

The application assumes that Stripe payment keys are stored in the following environment variables.


Tests (Specs) can be run with the rspec command or rake spec (and its derivatives).