The Specification is shown below the header "Bill unattended test".

The app pulls some json from a url, parses it, and is presented in a view on the root path.

Deployed online here using Heroku.

Technologies and Design Principles:

It has been built on Ruby & Sinatra. Sinatra was chosen for two reasons:

  1. I had only one day to build this so, given the limited time, I chose Ruby as a language because it is my strongest one at the moment.
  2. Although Rails is quicker to get everything up and running, it felt a bit heavy-handed for such a small app.

As always, the SOLID principles were kept in mind throughout and I strove for clean readable code.

It was built using TDD throughout. Testing technology was RSpec.

The CSS is based around Bootstrap. I use Bootstrap for most things and, especially given the limited time, it was the natural choice. I really would have liked to have gotten Sass up and running for this but, after some grappling trying to get it compiling, time became too pressing so I gave up.

I used a mobile-first approach for the layout and css; I designed everything on a narrow viewport and then scaled-up using min-width media queries.

To run locally:

git clone
bundle install


To run the tests:

In the tests the http request is stubbed to return (effectively) a copy of that response and that copy resides in the test_data_hash module in /spec/support/.

One test, in /spec/services/get_bill_data_spec does make the http request for real and compares the response to test_data_hash.

Bill unattended test


To display a customer's Sky bill


  • Complete the task in a language of your choice using whatever tools or frameworks that you want.
  • Must consume bill JSON from endpoint:
  • JSON must be consumed by a server acting as a proxy.
  • Provide a README on how to run your app or, if you deploy it online, a URL to your app.

What we're looking for

  • Simple and eloquent code
  • Knowledge of front end development
  • Bill should be easy to understand (good user experience)