
better layout support

LabiKyo opened this issue · 2 comments

thanks for this awesome monitor.

it'd be nice if i can customize layout easier. for now i can only override styles for container div, but i'd like to override styles for each child monitor to have a better layout.

Currently, there is no wrapper around every child, you just have to override the style of your monitors. But if you have a concrete example when a wrapper is needed, I'm interested. :)

for example, i want to have slider monitor on the bottom, while log and diff monitor share the upper part. the structure may look like this:

<container style={{display: flex; flex-flow: column wrap;}}>
  <upperContainer style={{display: flex; flex: 1;}}>
    <LogMonitor style={{flex: 1;}} />
    <DiffMonitor style={{flex: 1;}} />
  <SliderMonitor style={{flex: 1;}} />

i'm very new to redux-devtools, so there may be better way to achieve that. i found subdivide few days ago but haven't tried it. it may solve my problem.