Convert Morse to text or text to Morse codes
Inspired by new Feature from Samsung Good Vibes to convert text to Morse Code and reversely. This small project also do the same things too, but with additional special code that can accept punctuation or general military or aviation morse code.
Simply, if you enter some texts like "Hello John, nice to meet you", this program uppercase all letters in sentences to be "HELLO JOHN, NICE TO MEET YOU". After that, this program will simply replace all letters and punctuations into their Morse code that I store on another .py file.
There's some things that you must take concern about to use this proggram. Simply, if you use text like: "SOS!SOS! WE HAVE A PROBLEM" it won't give SOS standard code in Morse. So you must break up these special words with another words or punctuations. The special words are SOS,UNDERSTOOD,ERROR,START,WAIT, where these abbreviation are come from aviation or military purpose
Sure, but please don't use it for commercial.
Sure, your contribution is very helpful. You can use provided test-proved as your sandbox to try your code