
Welcome to the Mandalorian Simple Shell project!! This program is a simple shell that can be compiled and launched from the command line.

How to Compile

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh


When using this shell, the syntax for running any command follows the familiar syntax when running a command in any other shell.

Builtin Commands

This shell supports a variety of commands: alias - create or list an alias cd - change directory env - list the current environment variables exit - exit the shell history - display the command history for the current shell session setenv - sets an environment variable unsetenv - unsets an environment variable

MANDALORIAN$ help <builtin command>



Brief description of every file in this repository. Subject to change.

File Name Description
AUTHORS Text file containing the contributing authors
builtin01.c Builtin commands source code #1
builtin02.c Builtin commands source code #2
builtin.h Builtin commands header file
error01.c Error message handling source code
error.h Error message handling header file
_getline.c Our script of getline
linklist01.c Link lists source code
linklist.h Link lists header file
log01.c Commands log handling source code
log.h Commands log handling header file
man_1_simple_shell Manual page for our simple shell program
memo01.c Memory handling source code
memo.h Memory handling header file This file that you are reading
shell.c Primary shell source code
shell.h Shell header file
shellhelper01.c Helper functions used in our implementation of shell #1
shellhelper02.c Helper functions used in our implementation of shell #2
shellhelper03.c Helper functions used in our implementation of shell #3
shellhelper04.c Helper functions used in our implementation of shell #4
shellvar.h Shell environment variable structure definition
string01.c Str function source code #1
string02.c Str function source code #2
string03.c Str function source code #3
string.h Str function header file


Yosef Samuel Fortune Mwagambo