Tutor Hunter


TutorHunter is a RESTful web application, integrating database storage (MySQL), a back-end API, and front-end. Tutor Hunter is a platform that connects users with tutors.


  • OS: UBUNTU 16.04
  • Language: Python 3.6
  • Web server: nginx/1.10.3
  • Application Server: Flask 2.0.2, Jinja 3.0.2
  • Web Server Gateway: gunicorn(version 20.1.0)
  • Database: MySQL ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.33
  • Style
    • Python: PEP 8
  • Packages Required
    • PILLIOW: is Python Imaging Library which provides extensive file format support, an efficient internal representation, and fairly powerful image processing capabilities.
    • bcrypt: Python package used for password hashing
    • SQLAlchemy: Object Relational Mapper


The front-end of TutorHunter was designed using HTML/CSS pages integrated using Flask. In addition, Bootsrap is also used to facilitate the design and implementation process.


TutorHunter supports the following classes:

  • User
  • Tutor
  • Parent_requests



Environment Variables

MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD are environment variables that should be set since they are used in the application for emailing functionality.
