- Open App.js. There are some very questionable decisions killing the performance. Let's work on them!
- This project uses typescript 4, but App is a js file. Convert it to typescript.
- Create a page to see the content of each blog post. with the following structure:
- blog image
- title
- user & number of comments
- blog text
- comments
- Extra: write a unit test for the code you just added
This repo takes data from : https://fakeql.com/fragilegraphql/a465ba1570e77c30af480d11e529007e
Data is set to fragile. The fragile API is a throttled endpoint that has random response delays between 0 and 1000 milliseconds and once in a while (1 in 10 chance) is completely unavailable (http error 503).
"posts": [
{ "id": 1, "user_id": 1,"points": 1, "title": "A day on the beach", "text":"{{fake.lorem.paragraphs}}", "date": "2018-01-01", "image": "https://picsum.photos/1200/800?random={{fake.random.number}}" },
{ "id": 24, "user_id": 10,"points": 2, "title": "Coding for joy", "text":"{{fake.lorem.paragraphs}}", "date": "2018-12-24", "image": "https://picsum.photos/1200/800?random={{fake.random.number}}" },
{ "id": 25, "user_id": 9,"points": 100, "title": "On the road", "text":"{{fake.lorem.paragraphs}}", "date": "2018-12-25", "image": "https://picsum.photos/1200/800?random={{fake.random.number}}" }
"users": [
{ "id": 1, "firstname": "Mike", "age": 12 },
{ "id": 10, "firstname": "Lucy", "age": 31 }
"comments": [
{ "id": 1, "user_id": 1, "post_id": 1, "text": "Some text." },
{ "id": 99, "user_id": 10, "post_id": 25, "text": "Some more text." },
{ "id": 100, "user_id": 9, "post_id": 24, "text": "Bla, bla, bla ..." }
You can find a file with all types generated from the graphql schema on src/generated/types.tsx
You can see the a playground with the docs and schema here: https://lucasconstantino.github.io/graphiql-online/ (then add the endpoint mentioned on data)