The information source for My eat list
With this app you can save a daily list of wht you eat from a list, and check your recomended calories based on height, age and weight.
You want to try it out without any installation? YOU CAN! Just check out the live version.
Just fire up Postman and make requests :D.
Although, give it a little time to fire up itself, it's hosted on a free heroku node, so it goes to sleep a lot
- Clone this repo:
$ git clone
- Move to the lastest branch:
$ git checkout [branch name]
- Install the dependencies:
$ yarn install --check-files
$ bundle
- Migrate and Seed:
$ bundle db:migrate db:seed
- Run the developer server: (this one is gonna be pretty important if you are running both front and backend, because by default rails and react try to use
, so I configured the npm command to run this onlocalhost:4000
$ yarn start
And that's it. pretty easy uh?
- React
- Netlify
- Heroku
- FontAwesome
- Icons made by Flat Icons from
- Code from myself Joseph Flores