A sophisticated soft-synth originally forked from ZynAddSubFX V2.4.0 in 2009 by Alan Calvert, and still in continuous development - This is also mirrored at http://sourceforge.net/projects/yoshimi/ : Current news is at http://sourceforge.net/p/yoshimi/news/ : Our email discussion list is: http://www.freelists.org/list/yoshimi and here is our website
- abetuskIthaca, NY
- abrolagKent, England
- afgno
- akltCopenhagen
- ananthpKuyil Carnatic Apps
- aquatixdammIT.nl
- BurningTreeCTest Company
- danielappelt
- dsheelerUniversity of Chicago
- eriser
- Fak3uncefact
- gpchelkinLisbon, Portugal
- guilalaGuila.la
- JackDavidson
- jebofponderworthyPonderworthy Music
- KalebDark
- kickno
- lazzarelloSabbatical
- lifofernandez
- lucidbeamingLucidbeaming
- MusinuxParis, France
- mxmilkiibEdinburgh, UK
- Nesdood007
- oli-kesterLondon, UK
- parrotmac@nvdnc
- PiezoidFrance
- poqudrof@catie-aq
- probitlabs@metalab
- ptrvBerlin, Germany
- purpleferret
- qguv@surfly
- sfullerSan Francisco, CA
- smogeNYU
- stwobeSJR Training
- xnakos
- yaccRed64.io