A real-time chat application.
- This is a code challenge proposed by K.Lab.
The task is to create a chat-system backend in nodeJS.
Upon data sent from a client to any of the backends, the data should be pushed to all other clients connected to that channel.
Upon connection of a client to a channel, the backend should send the last 10 messages to that client.
clients only get messages for their specified channel.
all messages persist in redis for 24h.
(not pretty sure of this one) the system is horizontally scalable
Use the barebones client you can clone the from here: https://github.com/Klab-Berlin/backendTestClient
Use redis (http://redis.io/documentation) as a database to store the messages for 24h.
Use this base lib and wrapper for websockets:
A message has channel, author, text, timestamp fields.
I used a few node-libs : websocket, redis, finalhandler, serve-static
Solving the data sync problem.
The architecture I opted for is client-server architecture. And used redis to store the messages in a sorted set.
The advantage of WebSocket is two way communication. When one user sends a message (client -> server) then server sends that message to all conected users (server -> client).
For client -> server communication I used simple text (UTF8Data).
For server -> client I distinguished between 2 different types of message: server sends messages history server sends messages to users in the same channel Therefore every message is a simple JavaScript object (JSON).
I included a file Steps which details my choices and which difficulties I faced.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Yosr-Ch/chat-task
cd TestServer
Install node libs
npm install
Run the script
node index.js //or nodemon index.js to automatically restart the server upon changes
- The basic function that is working is opening 2 browser windows (chromium Version 53.0.2785.143, firefox version 50.0) and chat.