
An atom extension for youclid

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

youclid-atom package


cd ~/.atom/packages
# Create symlink to our package
ln -s /path/to/youclid/folder/youclid-atom youclid-atom
apm install


NOTE: When you launch atom, you must be in an environment that has youclid installed in it. This means that if you installed youclid into a virtual environment, you must launch atom from inside of that virtual environment. For example:

workon youclid

Keyboard shortcuts

ctrl+alt+m will mark a file as a youclid file that will be auto-updated on file save.

ctrl+alt+c will compile the current open file and save it in /tmp/youclid.html. Alternatively, you can manually click on Packages->youclid-atom->Compile to compile the current file.

ctrl+alt+o will compile and open the current open file. Alternatively, you can manually click on Packages->youclid-atom->Compile and Open to compile the current file.