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In this course participants will learn to use the R programming language, with a particular focus on using R for handling, visualising, analysing research data, and communicate research outputs. These are important skills for today's scientists (including agriscience), economists (including agricultural economics) and business professionals (including agribusiness). This course will highlight strategies for developing an efficient workflow centred around R and RStudio. After learning the basics, we will focus on using R for exploratory data analysis, the production of more complex research visualisations, statistical modelling, and employing R for research communication. Additionally, we will look into the basics of working with databases in R and managing our research data and output with git.

With a hands-on approach, each participant will be able to import data with R, navigate and manipulate data tables and represent data graphically from very early in the course.


At the end of the course, participants will have reached an advanced knowledge of R and should be equipped to deal with almost all aspects of using R to analyse their research data.

Notes for Participants

  1. R (>4.0) and RStudio will need to be installed prior to the course
  2. A second screen has been recommended by past participants

Course Resources

Additional Material & Resources


  1. Visualisations (33%): Assesment tasks will be handed out on 18/03/22. Please submit it by 01/04/22 NZT.
  2. Basic Data Analysis (33%): Assesment tasks will be handed out on 27/04/22. Please submit it by 11/05/22 NZT.
  3. Data Retrieval & Modelling (33%): Assesment tasks will be handed out on 08/06/22. Please submit it by 22/06/22 NZT.

About the Lecturer

Dr. Thomas Koentges is an honorary teaching fellow at Waikato University and the founder of You Say Data, a New Zealand-based digital upskilling and data analysis company. He has lectured in Computer Science, Digital Humanities, and Data Science at the University of Leipzig and currently holds an honorary position as Fellow for Historical Language Processing and Data Analysis at Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies. Dr Koentges is also a certified RStudio Education partner.


Class 1: Introduction & Data Visualisation | Friday 11/03/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 1-2 Introduction
  • 3 Data Visualisation

Class 2: R Workflows & R Markdown Intro | Wednesday 16/03/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 4 Workflow Basics
  • 6 Workflow Scripts
  • 8 Workflow Projects
  • (not in book) Record Keeping with Notebooks and Markdown

Class 3: Data Transformation | Friday 18/03/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 5 Data Transformation

Assesment task 1 "Visualisation" will be handed out

Class 4: Exploratory Data Analysis (Changed to Git and Data Transformation)| Friday 25/03/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • (not in book) Working with git (and GitHub) to find, re-use, version control, collaborate on and store code

  • 5 Data Transformation

  • Postponed to next week: 7 Exploratory Data Analysis

Class 5: Data Transformation | Exploratory Data Analysis| Wednesday 30/03/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 5 Data Transformation
  • 7 Exploratory Data Analysis

Class 6: Data Transformation | Exploratory Data Analysis | Friday 01/04/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 5 Data Transformation
  • 7 Exploratory Data Analysis

Assessment 1 due

Class 7: Exploratory Data Analysis | Data Import | Friday 08/04/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 7 Exploratory Data Analysis
  • 11 Data import

Class 8: Data Import | Tidy Data | Wednesday 13/04/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 11 Data import
  • 12 Tidy data

Break - No classes Friday 15/04/22 (Good Friday) or Friday 22/04/22

Class 9: Programming Principles | Data Types Focus: Strings, Factors, Dates | Relational Data | 27/04/22, Wednesday 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • (not in book) Intro Programming
  • 20 Vectors
  • 10 Tibbles
  • 14 Strings
  • 15 Factors
  • 18 Pipes

Assesment task 2 "Basic Analysis" will be handed out

Class 10: Relational Data | Friday 29/04/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 13 Relational data
  • 16 Dates and times

Class 11: Date and Times | Functions | Friday 06/05/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 16 Dates and times
  • 19 Functions

Class 12: Iteration | Models | Wednesday 11/05/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 21 Iteration
  • (not in book) Parallelisation
  • 23 Models (22--24)

Assessment 2 due

Class 13: Iteration | Models | Friday 13/05/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

  • (not in book) Parallelisation
  • 23 Models (22--24)

Class 14: Recap | Using tidymodels | Friday 20/05/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • (not in book) Recap
  • (not in book) tidymodels

Class 15: Graphics for Communication | Wednesday 25/05/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 28 Graphics for communication
  • (not in book) patchwork

Class 16: RMarkdown | Quarto | Friday 27/05/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

Chapters covered:

  • 27 R Markdown
  • 29 R Markdown formats
  • (not in book) Quarto
  • 30 R Markdown workflow

Class 17: Version Management with git | Friday 03/06/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

  • (not in book) Working with git (and GitHub) to find, re-use, version control, collaborate on and store code

Class 18: Working with databases in R | Wednesday 08/06/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

  • (not in book) Finding data in a data warehouse (e.g. Snowflake), getting it out for analysis, and putting it in if required.

Assesment task 3 "Data Retrieval & Modelling" will be handed out

Class 19: Building Dashboards for Colleagues and Collaborators | Friday 10/06/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

  • (not in book) Building Dashboards with RShiny

Class 20: Geospatial Visualisations | Friday 17/06/22, 09:00am - 12:00pm

  • (not in book) Brief introduction to geospatial visualisation (maps) and analysis

Final Assessment 3 due by 22/06/22 NZT