
This is a network graph lib based on Threejs, in order to optimize rendering over thousands of nodes in webgl mode.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a network graph lib based on Threejs, in order to optimize rendering over thousands of nodes in webgl mode.

Demo base on lib


How to use

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <script src="./static/research-graph.js"></script>
  <style type="text/css">
  		#canvas {
  			width: 100%;
    		height: 100%;
    		background-color: #161E28;
	<div id="canvas"></div>
    const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
    const graph = new NetworkGraph(canvas)
    const nodes = [
	      "style": {
	        "color": "#5CCEC2"
	      "style": {
	        "color": "#4FA3FF"
	      "style": {
	        "color": "#EF8DBA"
    const edges = [



This is a network graph lib based on Threejs, in order to optimize rendering over thousand of nodes in webgl mode.

Graph Constructor

Param Description
dom Canvas document
customConfig Network graph global custom config, this will override default config ( graphDefaultConfig.js )

Graph Data

dataType type config
node Object { id (required), position, icon(font, scale, content), label, imgUrl, style( color, activeColor, size, borderSize, borderColor, activeBorderColor, fillColor, fillActiveColor, labelColor, labelActiveColor, labelFontSize, labelFontFamily, labelScale, imgColor, imgActiveColor, iconColor, iconActiveColor), ...anyelse}
curveEdge Object { id*(required), source(required), target(required)*, controlPointCenterOffset, visible, ...anyelse}
straightEdge Object { id*(required), source(required), target(required)*, visible, ...anyelse}

Graph Methods

Method Arguments Description
addNodes (nodesData) nodesData(Array) required: Each element is a node type data Add nodes in graph.
addEdges (edgesData, edgeType) edgesData(Array) required: Each element is a curveEdge/straightEdge type data.
edgeType(String): One of 'curve' or 'straight'. Default is 'straight'
Add specific edges in graph.
updateEdgesVisibility (edgeIds, visible) edgeIds(Array) required: Need to update visibility edges id.
visible(Boolean) required: Edges visible status.
Change edges visible status.
updateNodesPosition (nodesData) nodesData(Array) required: Each element is a node type data with updated postion. Update node position when new position need to be set.
updateEdgesPosition (edges) edges(Array) required: Edges need to update, edges are edge type data. Change edges position when source or target position change or need to update curve edge controlPointCenterOffset.
updateNodesColor (nodeIds, color) nodeIds(Array) required: Need to update color nodes id.
color(Strinfg) required: Color to change (enable Color, Hex, or String).
Change nodes color.
updateEdgesColor (edgeIds, color) edgeIds(Array) required: Need to update color edges id.
color(Strinfg) required: Color to change (enable Color, Hex, or String).
Change edges color.
selectNodesByIds (nodeIds) nodeIds(Array) required: Need to select node id. Select nodes by id.
selectEdgesByIds (edgeIds) edgeIds(Array) required: Need to select edges id. Select edges by id.
deleteNodes (nodeIds) nodeIds(Array) required: Need to delete nodes ids. Delete nodes by id.
deleteEdges (edgeIds) edgeIds(Array) required: Need to delete edges ids. Delete edges by id.
destroy null Unbind event and set handler to be null.
snapshot (type) type(String): Output canvas data url type Take snapshot of current graph.
transformToViewPosition (x, y) x(Numbner): world position x.
y(Numbner): world position y
Transform canvas 2d position to 3d view position
updateRendererSize (width, height) width(String unit px): width canvas should change to.
height(String unit px): height canvas should change to
Change graph width and height when container size change
enableBoxSelect null Start box select
disableBoxSelect null Stop box select

Graph Events

Event Param Description
clickStage {param: {event}} When click stage will be triggered
rightClickStage {param: {event}} When right click stage will be triggered
dblclickStage {param: {event}} When double click stage will be triggered
clickNode {param: {target, event}} When click node will be triggered
rightClickNode {param: {target, event}} When right click node will be triggered
dblclickNode {param: {target, event}} When double click node will be triggered
hoveronNode {param: {target, event}} When hover on node will be triggered
hoveroffNode {param: {target, event}} When hover off node will be triggered
clickEdge {param: {target, event}} When click edge will be triggered
rightClickEdge {param: {target, event}} When right click edge will be triggered
dblclickEdge {param: {target, event}} When double click edge will be triggered
hoveronEdge {param: {target, event}} When hover on edge will be triggered
hoveroffEdge {param: {target, event}} When hover off edge will be triggered
boxSelect {param: {nodeIds, edgeIds}} When box select end will be triggered
nodesPositionChanged {param: {nodesPosition}} When drag node end will be triggered

Graph Config

item Destription Default
camera Construct of fov, near, far, position. Refer to threejs perspective camera [https://threejs.org/docs/#api/en/cameras/PerspectiveCamera] {fov: 45, near: 1, far: 1000, position: [0, 0, 100]}
viewPort Construct of targetPosition,enableRotate, zoomMinRatioOfCamera, zoomMaxRatioOfCamera. {targetPosition: [0, 0, 10],enableRotate: false,zoomMinRatioOfCamera: 0.8,zoomMaxRatioOfCamera: 50}
nodeSize Node size 3
nodeColor Node color '#5CCEC2'
nodeActiveColor Node selected color '#FFFFFF'
nodeFillColor Node fill color '#161E28'
nodeFillActiveColor Node selected fill color '#161E28'
nodeBorderSize Node border size 0.2
nodeBorderColor Node border color '#5CCEC2'
nodeActiveBorderColor Node selected border color '#FFFFFF'
nodeLabelColor Node label color '#8196AC'
nodeLabelActiveColor Node selected border color '#C6DEF0'
nodeLabelFontSize Node label font size 50
nodeLabelScale Node label scale set for higher resolution 0.05
nodeLabelFontFamily Node label font family 'sans-serif'
nodeImgColor Node fill image color nodeImgColor
nodeImgActiveColor Node selected image color '#FFFFFF'
nodeIconColor Node fill icon color '#5CCEC2'
nodeIconActiveColor Node selected fill icon color '#FFFFFF'
showImg Whether to show node fill image true
showLabel Whether to show node fill label true
showIcon Whether to show node fill icon true
curveEdgeColor Curve edge color '#8196AC'
curveEdgeSelectedColor Curve edge selected color '#FFFFFF'
curveEdgeLineWidth Curve edge line width 0.1
curveEdgeControlPointCenterOffset Curve edge control point center offset 5
curveEdgeArrow Whether to show curve edge direction true
curveEdgeArrowLength Set curve edge arrow length 2
curveEdgeArrowWidth Set curve edge arrow width 1
straightEdgeColor Straight edge color '#8196AC'
straightEdgeSelectedColor Straight edge selected color '#FFFFFF'
straightEdgeLineWidth Curve edge line width 0.2
straightEdgeArrow Whether to show straight edge direction false
straightEdgeArrowLength Set straight edge arrow length 2
straightEdgeArrowWidth Set straight edge arrow width 1
boxSelect Whether enable box select true
selectionBoxStyles Set box selection box style, construct of border , backgroundColor {border: '1px solid #55aaff',backgroundColor: 'rgba(75, 160, 255, 0.3)'}
boxSelectEnableType Box select type ['node', 'edge']