
Command to find dependencies info for nodejs code.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

needyou, depa or yuan-dependencies-finder

needyou, formerly named as depa or yuan-dependencies_finder, is used to generate dependencies information of specified module under development.


Get Started


const needyou = require('needyou');
let dependencies = needyou('/path/to/package');


needyou [--input <path/to/module>] [--save] [--miss]

# Old command name depa & yuan-dependencies-finder is still available.
  • --input
    Used to specify home directory of the module to be parsed.

  • --save
    Append the dependencies field to packge.json of the module. If the field existing, change it.

  • --miss
    If unable to obtain version of modules required by current module, use * as replacement.

The standard output looks like this:

[i] Finding javascript files ...
    1 javascript files found.
[i] Finding required modules ...
    /index.js +7
[i] Obtain version of required modules ...
    colors : ^1.1.2
    minimist : ^1.2.0
    uglify-js : ^2.6.2
    yuan : ^0.2.0


Since 0.2.0, new package name needyou is used.

Since 0.1.0, yuan-dependencies-finder is renamed to depa. While package installed, two commands named with both new package and old one will be installed.