
1. Overview

This project is unofficial project. You can develop ros2 application without native ros2 environment. This is support script for easily ros2 with docker development.


2. Requirement

  • Docker
  • Operation system is macOS or Linux

3. Install

Do don't need install. only build docker image for ros2.

$git clone
$cd ros2-docker/app_build_container
$docker build -t <Own image name> .
$cd ../
$sudo chmod +x
$export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/

4. Usage

command overview

$ [Options] <workspace> <command> [Command Options]

Options Description
-i [container image name] Set a custom Docker image to be used when executing the command.
-g Used to run ros2 run or launch with GUI.
-t [container image name] Set the name of the docker image to be created when rosdep is executed.
command Description
create create ros pkg.
build build ros pkg.
run run ros node.
launch launch ros launch file
bundle bundle ros package.
vcs run vcs
rosdep run rosdep
rviz run rviz
gazebo run gazebo

For example

$mkdir -p ros_ws/src
$git clone clone ./ros_ws/src
$cd ros_ws/src/demo && git checkout foxy
$cd ../../
$ -o ros2-sample-image:latest ros_ws rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ -i ros2-sample-image ros_ws build
$ ros_ws launch dummy_robot_bringup
## Other terminal
$ ros_ws rviz

## You can see rviz by VNC (localhost:5900).
$mkdir -p moveit_ws/src
$curl wget -o moveit_ws/.rosintall
$ros2-docker moveit_ws vcs
## Attention: You need all download directory move to src folder manually.

## rosdep subcommand create new docker image that is resolve dependencies for moveit. 
$ros2-docker -t moveit_depends_image moveit_ws rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro foxy -y

## Take many time for build.
## Attention: Builded pkg is not contain in docker image. Therefor if you need moveit for your own pkg, create new docker image manually.
$ros2-docker -i moveit_depends_image moveit_ws build --event-handlers desktop_notification- status- --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
## You 
$ros20docker -i moveit_depends_image -g ros2 launch run_moveit_cpp
## You can see rviz by VNC (localhost:5900).
  • Attention

If VNC show black screen you need change rviz setting. Please open file moveit_ws/install/run_moveit_cpp/share/run_moveit_cpp/launch/run_moveit_cpp.rviz with some editor. Then change to 0 Window Geometry X and Y.

Create ros2 package

Execute ros2 create commmand to workspace/src directory.

$mkdir -p workspace/src
$ workspace create <pkg_name> --build-type ament_cmake --node-name own_node

Build package

Execute ros2 build command to workspace.

$ workspace build

Run node

Execute ros2 run command to run your own node.

$ workspace run <pkg_name> <node_name>

If your own node need X display.

$ros2-docker -g workspace run <pkg_name> <node_name>

After connect localhost:5900 by VNC tool(macOS recommend Tiger VNC.)


Execute ros2 launch command to run your own launch file.

$ workspace launch <pkg_name> <launch file>

If you contain gui application in your launch file.

$ -g workspace launch <pkg_name> <node_name>

After connect localhost:5900 by VNC tool(macOS recommend Tiger VNC.)


Execute the rviz command to run the rviz GUI, which will be drawn on a virtual buffer in X Window and served outside the container via VNC from port 5900.

$ workspace rviz

After connect localhost:5900 by VNC tool(macOS recommend Tiger VNC.)


Execute the gazebo command to run the gazebo GUI, which will be drawn on a virtual buffer in X Window and served outside the container via VNC from port 5900.

$ workspace gazebo

After connect localhost:5900 by VNC tool(macOS recommend Tiger VNC.)

vcs import

Run vcs import < .rosinstall under the specified workspace. The current version will only process .rosinstall files under the workspace.

.rosinstall if it exists directly under the workspace
$ workspace vcs


Run the rosdep command under the workspace to resolve the dependency. Create a new Docker image containing the resolved dependencies with the name specified by -o.

$ -o <new docker image name> <workspacename> \
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro foxy -y 

5. Release note

  • 2021/01/30 version 0.1.0 First release shell script version.

6. Contribution

If you find bug or want to new functions, please write issue.

If you fix your self, please fork and send pull request.


This software license under MIT licence.

8. Author
