FitZap BLE protocol reverse engineering


  • Package name: com.lairor.fitzap
  • Frida command: frida -R -f com.lairor.fitzap -l ble.js
  • Logcat: su -c logcat -s FitZap
  • Target class: com.lairor.fitzap.activity.MainActivity$3
  • Service UUID: 0000ff01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  • Characteristic UUID: 0000ff02-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
  • MTU: 247 (or maybe 250?)

How to use

Write input to Characteristic below as bytes, get output in notifications.

Recommend to use eDebugger, which is available on Google Play store and Chinese app markets.


Alarm format

altimes=10h=14m=12n=02m=0p=07on=1: shock for 10 times ; shock at 14:12 ; index number is 02 (range from 00 to 04) ; power is 70% ; enabled (1 for enable, 0 for disable) ; m=0 is unknown yet.


Set time

Input format: tset={year}{month}{day}{hour}{minute}{second}

Input example: tset=20231112140457

Output: tset={year}{month}{day}{hour}{minute}{second}

Get version

Input: version=?

Output: version=V-0001

Get all alarms

Input: alarm=?

Output format: alarm|{alarm_1}|{alarm_2}|..., where all alarm follows the Alarm format below.

Output example: alarm|altimes=10h=05m=55n=00m=0p=07on=1|altimes=10h=13m=28n=01m=0p=01on=0

Add / Edit alarm

Input: {alarm}, which follows the Alarm format below. If the index number exist, replace the existing alarm.

Input example: altimes=10h=14m=05n=01m=0p=01on=1

Output format: {alarm}

Output example: altimes=10h=14m=05n=01m=0p=01on=1

Start / Stop Auto zap

Input: randomon / randomoff

Output: random is on / random is off

Edit parameters for Auto zap

Input format: rantimes={total_zap_count}h=00m={total_minute}p={power}, where power ranges from 01 to 10.

Input example: rantimes=15h=00m=05p=01

Output format: rantimes={total_zap_count}h=00m={total_minute}p={power}

Output example: rantimes=15h=00m=05p=01

Single zap

Input format: light={power}, where power ranges from 01 to 10.

Input example: light=03 for a spark of 30% power.

Output: light is start