- Package name:
- Frida command:
frida -R -f com.lairor.fitzap -l ble.js
- Logcat:
su -c logcat -s FitZap
- Target class:
- Service UUID:
- Characteristic UUID:
- MTU:
(or maybe250
Write input to Characteristic below as bytes, get output in notifications.
Recommend to use eDebugger, which is available on Google Play store and Chinese app markets.
: shock for 10 times ; shock at 14:12 ; index number is 02 (range from 00
to 04
) ; power is 70%
; enabled (1
for enable, 0
for disable) ; m=0
is unknown yet.
Input format: tset={year}{month}{day}{hour}{minute}{second}
Input example: tset=20231112140457
Output: tset={year}{month}{day}{hour}{minute}{second}
Input: version=?
Output: version=V-0001
Input: alarm=?
Output format: alarm|{alarm_1}|{alarm_2}|...
, where all alarm follows the Alarm format
Output example: alarm|altimes=10h=05m=55n=00m=0p=07on=1|altimes=10h=13m=28n=01m=0p=01on=0
Input: {alarm}
, which follows the Alarm format
below. If the index number
exist, replace the existing alarm.
Input example: altimes=10h=14m=05n=01m=0p=01on=1
Output format: {alarm}
Output example: altimes=10h=14m=05n=01m=0p=01on=1
Input: randomon
/ randomoff
Output: random is on
/ random is off
Input format: rantimes={total_zap_count}h=00m={total_minute}p={power}
, where power
ranges from 01
to 10
Input example: rantimes=15h=00m=05p=01
Output format: rantimes={total_zap_count}h=00m={total_minute}p={power}
Output example: rantimes=15h=00m=05p=01
Input format: light={power}
, where power
ranges from 01
to 10
Input example: light=03
for a spark of 30%
Output: light is start