
Vuetify 3 + Flask based, in-place editable clipboard.

Primary LanguagePython


netcut.cn style, minimal editable online clipboard.

Preview image

Developed using Flask, Vue 3, Vuetify 3, TypeScript. Full i18n support.

Runs on Node.js v18.16.0, Python 3.11.3.


  1. Install poetry and yarn.
  2. Install Python and Node.js dependencies.
# Install python dependencies
pushd server
poetry install --no-root
# Install nodejs dependencies
pushd frontend
yarn install


  1. Edit server/app/note_const.py, server/app/config.py.
  2. Copy .env.development to .env.production and edit it. Also edit .env if needed.
  3. Generate APP_SECRET as described in server/app/config.py and save it to .env.production.
  4. Init database using flask db upgrade in server directory.
  5. Modify server/app/__init__.py and configure ProxyFix if you are deploying behind a reverse proxy.


First, you need to build frontend files.

cd frontend
yarn build

Then, you can run the server.

cd server
FLASK_ENV=production poetry run python wsgi.py


Use with curl

# Get clip named my_clip
curl http://example.com/raw/my_clip?pwd=my_password


# frontend
cd frontend
yarn dev
# backend
cd server
poetry run flask run --debug

Backend database initailization

poetry shell
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade


Password protect: sha512(note.password) through Internet, pbkdf2_sha256(sha512(note.password)) in database.

File access: JWT generated with note.name and pbkdf2_sha256(sha512(note.password)) (the hash stored in database as above)

Content encryption: AES-256-CBC/PKCS7 with sha256(note.password), see CryptoJS behaviour


URL Rewrite

  • Download and install URL Rewrite
  • Regex pattern: ^private-name((/(.+)?)|)$
  • Rewrite URL:{R:1}
  • Append query string: true

Upload size limit

How to set URL length and HTTP POST content length limits in IIS - WKB240363