- 1
i need this code this directory is not available please provide me the code
#350 opened by umarsiddique111 - 1
kubeflow v1.7 upgrade
#325 opened by Young-ook - 2
add KEDA example
#307 opened by Young-ook - 0
add Istio and Kiali example
#320 opened by Young-ook - 0
add S3 mount point CSI for kubernetes example
#309 opened by Young-ook - 1
add EKS Pod Identity addon
#310 opened by Young-ook - 0
- 2
how to deploy aws load balancer controller in eks
#261 opened by reddy2018 - 1
exmaple of proactive autoscaling with keda
#249 opened by Young-ook - 2
AWS efs csi driver support
#265 opened by u362eboi - 1
Failed to install helm addon
#246 opened by altechJoeTsang - 2
cloudforet example
#230 opened by Young-ook - 1
Missing audience in trust relationship irsa
#248 opened by mfuxi - 7
ebs-csi-controller UnauthorizedOperation
#237 opened by iamsteveng - 0
enable `wait` config in helm addon module
#263 opened by Young-ook - 0
aws-auth module
#223 opened by Young-ook - 0
cluster_name not expected here
#193 opened by Maelrox - 0
fargate iam role output
#191 opened by Young-ook - 3
Cluster autoscaler not enough RAM
#184 opened by mercuriete - 1
update cluster autoscaler helm chart
#186 opened by mercuriete - 0
Instance profile output value
#188 opened by Young-ook - 1
update cluster autoscaler helm chart
#185 opened by mercuriete - 2
template v2.2.0 does not have a package available for your current platform, darwin_arm64
#170 opened by flypolarbear - 3
Support ADOT addon
#161 opened by Young-ook - 2
- 2
- 3
Trying to use Container Insights on existing EKS fargate - No Pods running
#155 opened by TheAshwanik - 1
PermissionBoundary variable missing in iam-role-for-serviceaccount submodule
#156 opened by TheAshwanik - 1
examples/lb Error creating Auto Scaling Group: InvalidQueryParameter: Incompatible launch template: Each network interface requires a unique device index.
#148 opened by lpm0073 - 5
- 1
Suggested Contributions
#137 opened by 2start - 1
How do I pick a VPC if I have more than one VPCs?
#131 opened by 1mb-hec - 1
Trying to use container insights Module
#129 opened by ShouraySolanki - 2
AWS account without default VPC
#44 opened by walczakkamil - 3
- 2
Release 1.7.0 on terraform registry
#126 opened by mercuriete - 1
Changing var.tags keys or values after creation of cluster causes authentication errors.
#115 opened by charliesmith-mindera - 2
Broken link to eksworkshop pod yaml file in iam-role-for-serviceaccount module
#113 opened by sobi3ch - 4
- 1
- 1
[Container Insights] MissingRegionError
#42 opened by philross - 1
autoscaler is in crashloopbackoff after upgrading node-groups to latests ami linux
#88 opened by mercuriete - 4
- 2