Project made for organizing monthly shopping list in order to keep track of the total amount spent, along with the quantity of purchased products.
To start using it, just access the link below:
For the first time, it will be necessary to create a new account. After creating your account, log in to access the system.
- Edit user data;
- Add products to the list;
- Delete a product from the list;
- Edit a product from the list;
- Change language and theme.
- i18n - I implemented this library to do the internal translation of my application. At the moment, the pt-br and en-us languages are available;
- v-mask - To perform input data treatment;
- boostrap - To speed up the process of creating components and screens;
- Sweet Alert - Customized alerts;
- Vue Toast - Simple notifications;
- Pinia - For state control;
- Axios - To consume the API I developed in php in a simple and easy way.
If you want to test the project, it will be necessary to add this environment variable.