
The codebase for the API Authentication Project

Primary LanguagePHP

Authentication System in Laravel


Setup for the project is relatively according to standard.

  1. Pull the project
  2. Install Dependencies (composer and npm)
  3. Configure database
  4. Generate encryption key
  5. Run migrations
  6. Launch
Pull the Project

The Project is available on github here. You an add it to your local machine either by git pull command

git clone https://github.com/YoungMayor/api_auth_patricia.git api_auth_patricia
Install Dependencies

After the project has been pulled unto your local computer. You will need to install dependecies for the project. Start by changing your terminal directory to the directory where the project is located.

This can be done on windows by running the below command

cd api_auth_patricia

Then afterwards, you install the composer dependencies by running

composer install
npm install

NOTE: Please ensure that you have composer and npm installed on your machine.

Configure Database

Database configuration is relatively easy.

  1. Create an empty database
  2. Configure your environment
    cp .env.example .env
  3. configure your environment variables to reflect your database and mail settings
Generate encryption key

Laravel requires you to have an app encryption key which is randomly generated and stored on your .env file. This can be created by running the below command on your terminal.

php artisan key:generate
Run Migrations

Running migrations would create the database tables the project needs. You can do this by running the below command on your terminal

php artisan migrate

Project setup has been completed and the project can now launch the project. If you do not have a local server installed on your machine. You can run the below command to serve the project

php artisan serve

That serves the project for local testing and usage.


This can be served using any API Testing Environment. PostMan has been used here, but you are free to use any


To register an account, you are required to pass the following parameters via POST method to the /api/register endpoint.

  1. email
  2. password
  3. password_confirmation
  4. name
  • Passing an invalid data would result in a 422 (unprocessable entity) error. Register Error 422 Screenshot

  • Passing valid data would return a 201 (created) HTTP Responsewith the user logged in and an authentication token generated for him as seen below Register Success 201 Screenshot

  • Attempting to register a user email that has already been registered would also return a 422 error

  • Register Error 422 Screenshot


A user can be logged in by passing his email and password to the /api/login/ endpoint via POST request

  • Passing invalid login credentials be it invalid email or invalid password would return a 401 (unauthenticated) error. Login Error 401 Screenshot

  • Whereas, passing valid credentials would return 200 (ok) and the authentication token in the body of the response and also attached to the response. Login Success Screenshot Login Success Screenshot

User Details

To get user details. You only need to send a GET request to the /api/user endpoint with the authentication token passed like Authentication: Bearer ${token_here} When the token is valid, a 200 (ok) response would be received from the endpoint User Details Screenshot However if the token is not passed properly, then a 401 (unauthenticated) error is received User Details Unauthenticated Screenshot The same would be received if the token is invalid. i.e. it is expired or incorrect


System Testing has been integrated into composer and can be run by running the below command on your terminal.

composer run-test

That would run a PHPUnit test on your console. Test Results. Also included is an option to test with a refreshed database. This can be done by running on your terminal

composer run-test-refresh

This would refresh your database then run the tests Test Results.