YoungWonks Open Source Project Summer 2021 v0.1

This project is an open source initiative by youngwonks students to put their coding skills to work. We, at YoungWonks, always believe in contributing towards a good cause in society. The coding skills of our students put us in a place where they can contribute in a way that has a social impact. It is with this in mind, that the students of YoungWonks have decided to engage in a socially beneficial open source coding real-world production level project.

Clone the code repository

$> git clone
$> cd ywsos2021_web/


python > 3.8 must be installed
must add python to the path variable
*mac & linux users may need to use explicitly use 'python3'

Flask Application Structure


Create the 'venv' virtual environment

ywsos2021_web/ $> python3 -m venv venv
ywsos2021_web/ $> source venv/bin/activate
(venv) ywsos2021_web/ $> 

Install required Python packages

(venv) ywsos2021_web/ $>  pip install -r requirements.txt

Initializing the Database

create a local mongodb server or a cloud mongodb account (*if you don't have one.) Create a database

Create config variables in the .env file

Create a file named .env Add the following config variables to it,

###################### .env ######################
DEBUG = True
PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME = timedelta(minutes=30)
MONGO_URI=<<Add your mongogo db url here>>

ENV = "development"
SECRET_KEY=<<Add your secret key  here>>
SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT=<<Add your password salt here>>
###################### .env ######################

Create DB tables and populate the roles and users tables

TODO: (venv) ywsos2021_web/ $> python

Make the api documentation

(venv) ywsos2021_web/ $> cd documentation
(venv) ywsos2021_web/documentation/ $> make html

Start the Flask development web server

(venv) ywsos2021_web/ $> python

Open the website:

Point your web browser to http://localhost:5000/

Running the automated tests

Add three environment variables to your .env file as shown below; TESTUSER and TESTPW are for testing login/logout and account functions, and DOMAIN is for the server location of your instance of the GeoRepair site (eg '').

###################### .env ######################
TESTUSER=<<Add the test username as according to your MongoDB database here>>
TESTPW=<<Add the test password as according to your MongoDB database here>>
DOMAIN=<<Add the web address of your instance of the GeoRepair site here>>
###################### .env ######################

(venv) ywsos2021_web/ $> python test_cases/

Authors YoungWonks