Cryptographic Hardware Optimization for ASIC


Cryptographic hardware are specialized computation structures dedicated to the execution of a single or a few cryptographic algorithms. Through specialization, hardware achieves higher performance, lower power consumption, and lower silicon cost compared to equivalent cryptographic software implementations. The difference in efficiency can be orders of magnitude. Yet, while the performance benefits of hardware are well understood, the cryptographic engineering community is generally unfamiliar with the process of mapping algorithms to hardware structures. For example, reference implementations of new cryptographic standards are more commonly found in software than in hardware. With the advent of open source hardware design tools, and especially open-source ASIC design tools, a great opportunity exists for a culture of hardware engineering in the cryptographic community. The potential gains of cryptographic implementations in efficiency, in scope, and in innovation are simply too big to ignore the hardware design domain.

The objective of this tutorial is to introduce a standard open-source ASIC design flow using cryptographic hardware design examples. Tutorial attendees will learn specifically about techniques for high performance, and techniques for low area. In each case, attendees will target the OpenROAD ASIC design flow for Google Skywater 130nm standard cells.

In this design process, the attendees will learn how to analyze the tool output, and how to make meaningful design decisions towards high performance or low area in hardware.

  1. Transform a C reference implementation to RTL hardware, without the magic of a compiler or a high-level synthesis tool.
  2. Understand common RTL design transformations for high performance in hardware: pipelining, unfolding, and retiming
  3. Understand common RTL design transformations for low area in hardware: multiplexing and bitserial design.

Slide Material

PDF slides


Time Topic Transformations
9:00 OpenROAD Design Flow Pipelining, bitserial design
10:00 Hands-on
10:30 Break
11:00 Poly1305 in Hardware Multiplexing, microcoding
11:30 Hands-on

Design Index

Design Purpose
lfsr 4-bit LFSR to demonstrate basic flow steps
modmul_bp Bit-parallel mod-29 multiplier
modmul_bp_pipe Bit-parallel mod-29 pipelined multiplier
modmul_bs Bit-serial mod-29 multiplier
poly1305_bp Bit-parallel Poly1305 MAC
poly1305_ws Word-serial Poly1305 MAC
poly1305_ws_w32 Word-serial Poly1305 MAC with mux'ed multiplier
poly1305_tv Poly1305 test vector generator

Useful Commands (using LFSR as design target)

Design Target

  • RTL code: lfsr/rtl/lfsr.v
  • Testbench: lfsr/sim/tb.v
  • Design parameters: Makefile.lfsr
  • Chip are constraint: lfsr/chip/

RTL Simulation

make -f Makefile.lfsr rtlsim
  • output appears in console
  • waveform (vcd) can be inspected with gtkwave lfsr/work/rtl.vcd

Logic Synthesis

make -f Makefile.lfsr synthesis
  • output appears in console
  • netlist can be inspected in editor as lfsr/work/netlist.v

Schematic Creation

make -f Makefile.lfsr schematic
  • Not recommended because of poor scalability
  • Schematic appears as lfsr/work/netlist.svg

Timing Analysis

make -f Makefile.lfsr gltiming
  • output appears in console

Gate-level Simulation

make -f Makefile.lfsr glsim
  • output appears in console
  • waveform (vcd) can be inspected with gtkwave lfsr/work/netlist.vcd

Chip Layout

make -f Makefile.lfsr openroad
make -f Makefile.lfsr chip
  • inspect chip layout with make -f Makefile.lfsr chipgui
  • copy chip data out of docker using make -f Makefile.lfsr chipdata
  • inspect chip data outside of docker in lfsr/work/reports