100 Days of JavaScript with Lux code snippets.

100 Days of JavaScript is a 20 Weeks Responsive and progresive web developement training Boot Camp by Lux Tech Academy.

All resources used you can find the in this repository

Highlight: free Certificate included.

Running the code:

To run the code you need NodeJS

Node.js is a run-time environment which includes everything you need to execute a program written in JavaScript. It’s used for running scripts on the server to render content before it is delivered to a web browser.

NPM stands for Node Package Manager, which is an application and repository for developing and sharing JavaScript code.

This guide will help you install and update Node.js and NPM on a Windows system and other useful Node.js commands.

Step 1: Download Node.js Installer

Visit NodeJS official webpage https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and download installer acording to your system

Step 2: Install Node.js and NPM from Browser

1. Once the installer finishes downloading, launch it. Open the downloads link in your browser and click the file. Or, browse to the location where you have saved the file and double-click it to launch.

2. The system will ask if you want to run the software – click Run.

3. You will be welcomed to the Node.js Setup Wizard – click Next.

4. On the next screen, review the license agreement. Click Next if you agree to the terms and install the software.

5. The installer will prompt you for the installation location. Leave the default location, unless you have a specific need to install it somewhere else – then click Next.

6. The wizard will let you select components to include or remove from the installation. Again, unless you have a specific need, accept the defaults by clicking Next.

7. Finally, click the Install button to run the installer. When it finishes, click Finish.

Step 3: Verify Installation

Open a command prompt (or PowerShell), and enter the following:

node –v

The system should display the Node.js version installed on your system. You can do the same for NPM:

npm –v

To run the code Navigate to the specific sub-folder and use node to run the code as shown below

node _filed name

Notes per Day:
Day 1 : https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day1.pdf

Day 2: https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day2.pdf

Day 3: https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day3.pdf

Day 4: https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/day4.pdf

Day 5: https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/day5.pdf

Day 6 : https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day6.pdf

Day 7: https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day7.pdf

Day 8 : https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day8.pdf

Day 9: https://github.com/HarunHM/-100-Days-of-JavaScript-with-Lux/blob/master/Day9Object.pdf

Day 10: