
Hardhat setup for both ERC-1155 and ERC-721 on Polygon and Opensea. Cloned from my older ERC-721 boilerplate

Primary LanguageSolidity

Hardhat ERC-721/ERC-1155 Repo

  • Clone this and run npm i in terminal.
  • Add .env file with:
MNEMONIC=privatekey. not the seedphrase
  • Edit the deploy script to pass in your name and ticker/uri depending on standard
  • Edit the contractUri method in the contract and add your OpenSea collection URI
  • Edit the mint script and add your token uri, contract address and account address of the account you want to mint to.
  • Deploy with npx hardhat run --network matic scripts/deploy721.js for ERC-721
  • Mint with npx hardhat run --network matic scripts/mint.js

Contract code inspired from Opensea: https://github.com/ProjectOpenSea/meta-transactions/blob/main/contracts/ERC721MetaTransactionMaticSample.sol This is for gas-less transactions when transferring assets. Users dont have to pay that extra gas, and get a better experience.

I added the mintItem method, from the old truffle repo contract.

I will make a blog post with detail soon.