Pipeline for alignment, variant calling, and generation of pseudoreference FASTAs from Illumina data (DNA- or RNAseq)
The pipeline was originally written for a SLURM cluster, but has been adapted for use with GNU parallel, and can be adapted for any cluster job engine that provides an integer environment variable indicating the task ID in a task array. For SLURM, this is $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID, for SGE this is $SGE_TASK_ID, for PBS this is $PBS_ARRAYID, for LSF this is $LSB_JOBINDEX. The pipeline has only been officially tested with SLURM and on a standalone computer, so please let me know if you have success (or problems) running it with other job engines!
- BWA (can be obtained via
git clone https://github.com/lh3/bwa --recursive
, must supportbwa mem
) - STAR (can be obtained via
git clone https://github.com/alexdobin/STAR --recursive
) - Samtools (mainly used with versions 1.0+, unknown compatibility below that)
- HTSlib (a dependency of Samtools, so usually the version should match that of Samtools)
- BCFtools (for variant calling, must be used with versions 1.7+ for
task) - Picard (can be obtained via
git clone https://github.com/broadinstitute/picard --recursive
) - GATK (mainly tested with 3.4, and IR and HC tasks should work with other version 3, but not 4)
- Unix tools (i.e. bash, GNU awk, GNU sort)
- GNU Parallel (if a job engine is not an option for you)
- BEDtools (tested with 2.23.0+, should work with 2.3.0+)
The scripts in this pipeline are effectively standalone, so the major installation steps are:
- Install necessary dependencies (and remember the paths to their executables and jars)
- Edit
with the absolute paths to each of these executables and jars
In particular, the following variables should be defined in your pipeline_environment.sh
For DNA-seq mapping (MAP
task, also DEPTH
- BWA (point to the
executable) - SAMTOOLS (point to the
executable) - PICARD (point to the
(Will add BT2, BT2B, and MM2 for bowtie2
, bowtie2-build
, and minimap2
in the future)
For RNA-seq mapping (STAR
- STAR (point to the
(Will add HS2 and HS2B for hisat2
and hisat2-build
in the future)
For indel realignment and GATK variant calling (both DNA-seq and RNA-seq) (IR
, and HC
- GATK (point to the
file from GATK 3.x)
For BCFtools variant calling (MPILEUP
- BCFTOOLS (point to the
executable) - TABIX (point to the
For variant filtering and site masking (PSEUDOFASTA
- BEDTOOLS (point to the
For calculating heterozygosity and fixed difference rates from pseudoreferences (POLYDIV
- LPDS (point to the
executable from RandomScripts) - NOW (point to the
executable from RandomScripts)
For PacBio read mapping (PBMAP
- NGMLR (point to the
(Will add MM2 for minimap2
in the future)
- Integration of FreeBayes (depends on GNU Parallel and a bit of fancy vcflib path-work)
- Integration of other mappers (bowtie2, minimap2, HISAT2)
- Compatibility with GATK 4
This pipeline semi-automates the process of alignment and variant calling for both DNAseq and RNAseq datasets. The modular design is such that you can diagnose problems occurring at most steps by looking at that module's log. We also take advantage of SLURM task arrays in order to make alignment and variant calling among many samples paralellized across a cluster.
Note that you need to set paths to the executables (and jar files) in pipeline_environment.sh, as this pipeline actively ignores your PATH variable. This is intentional to ensure you know precisely which version of each dependency you are using. Some cluster sysadmins like to change things up on you, and keep you on your toes ;)
A typical DNAseq variant calling job involves the following tasks in sequence:
on the wrapped reference genomeMAP
, akaiADMD
(mapping, sorting, and marking of duplicates)MERGE
(optional, depending on dataset, adjusts ReadGroups and merges BAMs)IR
(indel realignment with GATK IndelRealigner)HC
(variant calling with GATK HaplotypeCaller or BCFtools mpileup)DEPTH
(calculate windowed, per-scaffold, or genome-wide depth)PSEUDOFASTA
(filtering of variants and masking of sites to make a diploid pseudoreference FASTA)
The RNAseq pipeline involves the following tasks in sequence:
on the wrapped reference genome- Align using the
task - (Optional if multiple libraries per sample) Merge BAMs from the
task together using theMERGE
task - Realign around indels using the
task - Call variants using the
The first task in all instances of this pipeline is to index the reference genome(s) you want to use.
It is CRITICALLY important that your reference genome FASTA is line-wrapped for usage with GATK.
You can use something like the fasta_formatter
program of the
FASTX Toolkit
to wrap your reference genome. Alternatively, there's reformat.sh
from Brian Bushnell's
among other similar tools. Usage for both:
fasta_formatter -i [original reference FASTA] -w60 -o [wrapped reference FASTA]
reformat.sh in=[original reference FASTA] -out=[wrapped reference FASTA] fastawrap=60
Once wrapped, then you can simply call:
[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/indexDictFai.sh [wrapped FASTA]
This will index your reference genome for use with BWA by default, create a sequence dictionary as used by GATK, and create a FASTA index (.fai file).
If you're not using BWA for mapping, the full usage for indexDictFai.sh
[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/indexDictFai.sh [wrapped FASTA] [mapper] [annotation]
Values for [mapper]
with tested support include BWA
and STAR
. Other untested values include BT2
(bowtie2), MM2
(minimap2), and HISAT2
(HISAT2), however these mappers haven't been implemented in the MAP
, and STAR
tasks yet.
The [annotation]
option is currently untested, but intended for future support of annotation-aware RNAseq mapping (e.g. with STAR or HISAT2).
Once your reference genome(s) are indexed, you can proceed with the main pipeline.
The pipeline was originally developed for SLURM (hence slurmArrayCall_v2.sh
), but generically supports any job engine that supports job arrays and an environment variable containing an integer representing the task number in the array. The tasks within the array should be numbered starting at 1, since their task ID corresponds to the line of the metadata file containing that sample.
For SLURM, the general form for any pipeline calls is:
[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/localArrayCall_v2.sh ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} [TASK] [metadata file path] [number of threads] [special options]
Be sure to specify -a 1-[number of samples]
in your sbatch
call for this to work. For example, for 16 lines in your metadata file, use -a 1-16
Thanks to Clair Han, the pipeline has also been tested on LSF. The general form for LSF is:
[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/localArrayCall_v2.sh ${LSB_JOBINDEX} [TASK] [metadata file path] [number of threads] [special options]
Be sure to specify -J jobname[1-[number of samples]]
in your bsub
call for this to work. For example, for 16 lines in your metadata file, use -J myjob[1-16]
If anyone else would be willing to test the pipeline on their own cluster using a different job engine, please let me know (e.g. with a Github issue) so we can add support here!
This pipeline has been adapted for use with GNU Parallel via the generic specification of task ID to localArrayCall_v2.sh
An example MAP
call using 8 cores per mapping job for a 32-line metadata file performing at most 4 jobs simultaneously might look like this:
parallel -j4 --eta '[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/localArrayCall_v2.sh {1} MAP example_metadata.tsv 8 2> MAP_example_job{1}.stderr > MAP_example_job{1}.stdout' ::: {1..32}
The main wrapper workhorse is localArrayCall_v2.sh
, which gets called by your SBATCH script, and performs the specified job on a sample specified by a line in a metadata TSV file.
Take a look at the SBATCH_template_*.sbatch
files for examples of how to make your SBATCH submission scripts to run this pipeline.
The typical mapping, IR, and variant calling metadata TSV file consists of 3 or 4 columns per line:
- A prefix to use for all intermediate and final output files
- The path to the wrapped reference genome FASTA
- The first read file for the sample (typically a gzipped FASTQ)
- The second read file for the sample (if it was sequenced paired-end)
Note that you can mix single-end and paired-end samples in the metadata file.
If you need to merge BAMs from multiple libraries, you will need multiple metadata files. The metadata file for the MERGE
task follows a different format, with columns:
- Full path and name for the merged BAM file
- Full path to the first library's BAM file (from
) - Full path to the second library's BAM file (from
) - etc.
Be sure that the name for your merged BAM file follows the standard convention of this pipeline:
Then you can make a new metadata file for downstream tasks (IR
, HC
, etc.) in the same style as for iADMD
, but with the first column equal to the PREFIX
of your merged BAM.
The FASTQ columns of the metadata file are not actively used for these downstream tasks, but are checked for existence, so just substitute in the paths used for the first library that was merged.
The IR
, HC
tasks all use a metadata file with format similar to the iADMD
task. If you had to MERGE
, just make sure the last two columns for the indel realignment/variant calling metadata file point to a real set of FASTQs, or else the job will instantly fail out. I still need to make a simple solution to avoid this, because these steps don't actually care about the input read files.
Example calls for 8 samples using GNU parallel and SLURM:
parallel -j8 --eta '[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/localArrayCall_v2.sh {1} IR my_IR_metadata.tsv 1 "" 2> logs/my_IR_line{1}.stderr > logs/my_IR_line{1}.stdout' ::: {1..8}
[path to PseudoreferencePipeline]/localArrayCall_v2.sh ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} IR my_IR_metadata.tsv 1 "" 2> logs/my_IR_line${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.stderr > logs/my_IR_line${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}.stdout
Note that the IR
steps are not multithreaded, so specifying more than 1 core won't speed anything up. Also, versions of BCFtools older than 1.7 do not have a multithreading option, so the same applies for MPILEUP
in that case.
The final task, PSEUDOFASTA
, filters the VCF produced by the above pipelines (though more typically the DNAseq pipeline), updates reliable variant call sites (heterozygous sites are updated to the appropriate IUPAC degenerate base), and masks unreliable sites. For the PSEUDOFASTA
task, the fourth argument to slurmArrayCall_v2.sh
should be a comma-separated list including the ID of the variant caller used, so either HC
, and special options like no_markdup
or no_IR
to indicate which VCF to use. The metadata TSV also has a slightly different format for the PSEUDOFASTA
Column 3 should be a filtering expression that evaluates to TRUE when a site should be masked. This filtering expression will be inverted to determine the sites kept/updated. The string should be a JEXL expression in the case of the SPECIAL option being HC
, or a BCFtools-style expression in the case of MPILEUP
For GATK, such a JEXL expression might look like:
DP <= 5 || MQ <= 50.0
In this example, sites with DP <= 5 or MQ <= 50.0 would be masked, and sites with MQ > 50.0 and DP > 5 would be used for updating.
A similar if not equivalent BCFtools-style expression would be:
INFO/MQ <= 50.0 || INFO/DP <= 5
You can simulate in order to determine an optimized set of filtering thresholds using VariantCallingSimulations. Some preliminary results indicate that the following are reasonable thresholds for within-species mapping where pi is about 1%:
MPILEUP: DP <= about 0.5 * average post-markdup depth || MQ <= 20.0 || QUAL <= 26.0
GATK: DP <= about 0.5 * average post-markdup depth || MQ <= 50.0
with the output of JOINTGENO
(described below), be sure to add a fourth column to your PSEUDOFASTA
metadata file that contains the prefix of the jointly-genotyped VCF (i.e. the first column of your JOINTGENO
metadata file.
Also, make absolutely sure to use the jointgeno
SPECIAL option, otherwise PSEUDOFASTA
will just ignore the joint prefix, and run in single-sample mode.
If you wish to perform joint genotyping on your samples, you'll need to use the JOINTGENO
task. The metadata file for this task has a slightly different format than usual, with columns:
- The prefix to use for the output jointly-genotyped VCF
- The reference FASTA (same as the usual second column)
- The prefix used for the previous task on the first sample
- The prefix used for the previous task on the second sample
- etc.
Aside from that, JOINTGENO
just needs to know which variant caller to use as a SPECIAL option (i.e. HC
One major difference between applying JOINTGENO
to GATK HaplotypeCaller versus BCFtools is that we require that you run the HC
task with the no_geno
option prior to running JOINTGENO
, whereas you can just run the BCFtools version of JOINTGENO
from BAMs, no need to run the MPILEUP
task beforehand. This is because joint genotyping for GATK happens at the GenotypeGVCFs step, not at the HaplotypeCaller step, so it operates on VCFs, and you will want to parallelize your HaplotypeCaller calls, which JOINTGENO
wouldn't be able to do efficiently by itself.
Default INFO and FORMAT tags output in the jointly-genotyped VCF: For bcftools versions < 1.3: DP, DP4, SP
For bcftools versions >= 1.3 and < 1.7: DP, AD, SP, ADF, ADR
For bcftools versions >= 1.7: DP, AD, SP, ADF, ADR
Two extra tasks are available to provide summaries of the data: DEPTH
task requires the listPolyDivSites
and nonOverlappingWindows
programs from RandomScripts to have paths specified in pipeline_environment.sh
under the variables named LPDS
and NOW
The output files for POLYDIV
have suffix _poly_w#kb.tsv
and _div_w#kb.tsv
, where #
is the window size rescaled into kb.
task runs a quick samtools flagstat
on the BAM specified by the first column of the metadata file, plus the presence or absence of the no_markdup
and no_IR
flags in the SPECIAL
argument list. It then calculates the average depth in non-overlapping windows of size specified in the SPECIAL
argument across each scaffold.
The windowed depth values are stored in an output file with suffix _depth_w#kb.tsv
with #
as described for POLYDIV
. The flagstat results are stored in an output file with suffix _flagstat.log
Two special modes exist for DEPTH
- Genome-wide average (set SPECIAL to
), in which case the output file has suffix_depth_genomewide.tsv
, or_div_genomewide.tsv
- Per-scaffold averages (set SPECIAL to
or any negative number), in which case the output file has suffix_depth_perScaf.tsv
, or_div_perScaf.tsv
The first of these (genome-wide depth) is useful for calculating the post-markdup depth to use for a filtering criterion in the PSEUDOFASTA
Several of the jobtypes/tasks have special options available to cope with variations on the standard pipeline, or quirks in GATK. Multiple options may be specified by including them in a comma-separated list (no spaces allowed in the list). Special options are as follows.
(aka iADMD
: Omits the Picard MarkDuplicates step (make sure to useno_markdup
with any further tasks if you use this)no_markdup
: Exactly the same thing asonly_bwa
, meant for argument continuity with later tasksonly_markdup
: Assumes a sorted BAM already exists with name[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
, skips alignment with BWA-MEM, and goes straight to Picard MarkDuplicatesmem_#[mg]
: Set the maximum heap size for Java (during Picard MarkDuplicates) to #[mg], e.g. 30g for 30 GB (the default) would be mem_30ginterleaved
: The single FASTQ file provided is an interleaved FASTQ of paired-end reads (so use BWA's "smart pairing" mode)comments
: Include string parts after the first space in the FASTQ header in the output BAM as comments (BWA option -C)all_alignments
: Output all found alignments (extra alignments marked as secondary) (BWA option -a)
: Set the maximum heap size for Java (during GATK calls) to #[mg], e.g. 30g for 30 GB (the default) would be mem_30gmisencoded
: FASTQ files from older Illumina sequencers have quality scores encoded as PHRED+64, and this flag converts them to PHRED+33, the standardno_markdup
: Uses a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Skip the Picard MarkDuplicates stepno_splitN
: Skip the GATK SplitNCigarReads stepintronMotif
: Add the XS tag for reads aligning across canonical junctions (nominally for compatibility with Cufflinks and StringTie)
: Set the maximum heap size for Java (during GATK calls) to #[mg], e.g. 30g for 30 GB (the default) would be mem_30gmisencoded
: FASTQ files from older Illumina sequencers have quality scores encoded as PHRED+64, and this flag converts them to PHRED+33, the standardfilter_mismatching_base_and_quals
: This option drops reads where the length of the sequence and quality scores differfilter_bases_not_stored
: This option drops reads of length 0 (in case your FASTQ gets mangled during adapter or quality trimming)
: Skips the HaplotypeCaller step and goes directly to GenotypeGVCFsno_geno
: Skips the GenotypeGVCFs step (use this prior to joint genotyping)mem_#[mg]
: Set the maximum heap size for Java (during GATK calls) to #[mg], e.g. 30g for 30 GB (the default) would be mem_30gmisencoded
: Only use this option if you skipped the IR step, and have PHRED+64 encoded FASTQ filesfilter_mismatching_base_and_quals
: This option drops reads where the length of the sequence and quality scores differno_markdup
: Uses a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Uses a BAM that has not been indel-realigned (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted_markdup.bam
: Sets the expected heterozygosity rate (-hets
for GenotypeGVCFs) to the number specified (should be a decimal greater than 0.0, and less than or equal to 1.0) -- not fully implemented yet
: Uses a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Uses a BAM that has not been indel-realigned (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted_markdup.bam
: Sets the expected heterozygosity rate (-P
forbcftools call
) to the number specified (should be a decimal greater than 0.0, and less than or equal to 1.0)
: Use GATK HaplotypeCaller and GenotypeGVCFs for joint genotypingMPILEUP
: Use samtools/BCFtools mpileup and BCFtools call for joint genotypingno_markdup
: Uses a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Uses a BAM that has not been indel-realigned (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted_markdup.bam
: Set the maximum heap size for Java (during GATK calls) to #[mg], e.g. 30g for 30 GB (the default) would be mem_30ghets_#
: Sets the expected heterozygosity rate (-hets
, or-P
forbcftools call
) to the number specified (should be a decimal greater than 0.0, and less than or equal to 1.0)
: Use a VCF derived from GATK HaplotypeCaller (either theHC
: Use a VCF derived from samtools/BCFtools mpileup and BCFtools call (either theMPILEUP
: Triggers using a jointly-genotyped VCF as input, using the first column of the metadata file as the sample ID in the VCFno_markdup
: Uses a VCF derived from a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Uses a VCF derived from a BAM that has not been indel-realigned (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted_markdup.bam
: Specifies masking of variant calls (but not invariant sites) within # bp of either side of an indel (e.g.indelmaskp_8
masks 8 bp on either side of an indel)indelmask_#
: Specifies masking of variant and invariant sites within # bp of either side of an indel (e.g.indelmask_8
masks 8 bp on either side of an indel)
Note that for the MPILEUP
caller, indelmaskp_#
acts like adding the -g #
flag to bcftools filter
, and the HC
implementation attempts to replicate this.
Also note that the #
for indelmask_#
must be a positive integer (so may not be 0). The MPILEUP
implementation would treat this properly, but the HC
implementation would not.
: Uses a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Uses a BAM that has not been indel-realigned (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted_markdup.bam
: Specifies the window size to use for calculation of non-overlapping windowed depth (e.g.w100000
for 100 kb non-overlapping windows)
: Uses a pseudoref derived from a BAM in which no duplicates have been marked (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted.bam
: Uses a pseudoref derived from a BAM that has not been indel-realigned (e.g.[PREFIX]_sorted_markdup.bam
: Specifies the window size (in bp) to use for calculation of non-overlapping windowed heterozygosity and fixed difference rate (usually a multiple of 1000)jointgeno
: Uses a pseudoref derived from the joint genotyping pipeline
BAMs are missing @SQ headers and/or are corrupt
- This is sometimes due to corrupted index files, which may be due to a race condition when indexing the reference. Please delete the index files (for the BWA pipeline, something like
rm [path to ref].fasta.* [path to ref].dict
), and runindexDictFai.sh
once on the reference prior to starting youriADMD
jobs. - Otherwise, run
samtools quickcheck -vvv [BAM file]
and let me know via a Github issue and/or e-mail
- This is sometimes due to corrupted index files, which may be due to a race condition when indexing the reference. Please delete the index files (for the BWA pipeline, something like
GATK RealignerTargetCreator fails
- Most often, this is because you forgot to wrap your reference FASTA, so go back and wrap it, run
, and then stick the name of the wrapped FASTA in your metadata file, and it should work - Alternatively, this may be due to your FASTQ having PHRED+64 encoded quality scores. If this is the case, rerun
with themisencoded
option - If the error has something to do with zero-length read stored in the BAM, you may have trimmed your reads in such a way as to produce 0-length reads (and not throw them out)
- If GATK errors saying "Could not find walker with name: RealignerTargetCreator", then you need to put the path to Java 8 in your
environment variable, as you are probably using Java 11 or newer. Thanks to Clair Han for reporting and resolving this issue.
- Most often, this is because you forgot to wrap your reference FASTA, so go back and wrap it, run
GATK HaplotypeCaller * Occasionally, you may get an error about a read in the active region not being found in the BAM. This is typically due to multi-threading bugs in HaplotypeCaller, so try running with a different number of cores, or if you can afford it, run single-threaded. A single-threaded run should be almost guaranteed to fix this problem.
- Work in progress, there are plenty
I've added a PBMAP
task that maps PacBio data using NGMLR, but no real special options or configurations. No indexing is required, as the command line for ngmlr includes an option for not writing an index to disk. This task could be quickly expanded to mapping with minimap2, and in principle also BWA-MEM (although modern best practices seem to indicate NGMLR and minimap2 perform better). No marking of duplicates is performed, and the reads must be input as FASTQ, not as unmapped BAM.
[*] Facilitate joint genotyping (currently supported with some testing for both GATK and BCFtools)
[] Integrate FreeBayes for variant calling and PSEUDOFASTA
At the moment, this is on hold because the --report-monomorphic
option for reporting invariant sites is extremely slow even when parallelized, so testing is prohibitively slow.
[] Separate filtering and incorporation of indels into pseudoreferences This is on hold for several reasons: Many tools for downstream analysis of pseudoreferences expect them to be in the same coordinate space which incorporating indels would violate; we haven't done thorough simulations and analysis of error rates in calling indels, so filtering criteria haven't been established. It's not too hard to incorporate into the pipeline though, it just means an extra filtering/selecting step, a possible VCF merging step, and adjusting the consensus call (not sure how GATK FastaAlternateReferenceMaker handles indels though).
[] Support various other common mappers for MAP
and STAR
, e.g. Bowtie2, HISAT2, minimap2
[] Add compatibility with GATK 4
[] Add support for parallelizing further by genomic regions (not easy)