Python-Firebase-Flask login/register web-app


  1. Login/Sign up - Hosted on firebase
  2. Fully responsive UI - Credits:
  3. Based on Python-Flask


pip install pyrebase4
pip install flask

Setting up firebase

  1. Go to
  2. Login/Register your account
  3. Click on add project
  4. Give project name
  5. Optional: select google analytics
  6. Create project
  7. Under "Get started by adding Firebase to your app", click on web app
  8. Name the web app and copy the "apiKey", "authDomain", "databaseURL", "storageBucket" from the code given there
  9. Go to and add the values you copied above
  10. Go to console, click on authentication (On the left sidebar), click on sign-in method, and enable email/password sign in
  11. Go to Storage (On the left sidebar), and click on "Create Database", start in test mode for now, click done.
  12. You are all set on firebase !!!

Additional Info

The server starts by default on

After successful sign-up, the user name, email and uid are stored in a global dictionary called person