SyncedStore CRDT is an easy-to-use library for building live, collaborative applications that sync automatically.
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[Q] Why do I have to recognize the proxy when performing operations on arrays?
#130 opened by PhilippCh - 0
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Not sure how to add a new XML fragment
#126 opened by nyacg - 1
How can I use Y.Map when I init the store?
#128 opened by PeterChen1997 - 0
Moving an item between arrays gives error about content already being a part of the tree
#125 opened by davisg123 - 0
History and really large updates
#110 opened by websiddu - 0
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Pushing or removing from array causes mobx computed to fire changes = number of array elements + 1
#122 opened by BradHarris - 3
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Supporting array assignment
#112 opened by pierscowburn - 1
How to handle relations
#113 opened by andrezimpel - 1
Warning: `property not found on root doc $$typeof`
#116 opened by websiddu - 1
Question: How many stores should you create?
#119 opened by AlexW00 - 6
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Move `@types/eslint` to `devDependencies`?
#117 opened by Deckluhm - 3
Ignore subdocuments?
#98 opened by joakim - 3
`useMemo` not running when dependency array changes
#105 opened by extrange - 0
[Bug] Typing issues with
#107 opened by mindreframer - 0
More concise Vue integration
#109 opened by texastoland - 1
Pinia integration
#90 opened by websiddu - 0
Cannot store undefined in array
#108 opened by codehz - 0
errors nextjs
#106 opened by UXDart - 3
Trouble with Svelte
#100 opened by mlaass - 0
Assign boxed objects
#104 opened by canadaduane - 1
Rich Text editor demo not working
#99 opened by cuire - 1
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Feature Request: Immer
#102 opened by TheUltDev - 1
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UndomManager not work
#96 opened by zabzd999 - 2
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svelteSyncedStore not synced across tabs
#71 opened by kjohnsen - 1
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Sorting an array in Synced Store
#87 opened by websiddu - 1
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Example from documentation doesn't typecheck
#73 opened by gleachkr - 3
Overwriting an array re-patches array methods, eventually resulting in stack overflow
#76 opened by pierscowburn - 3
Support binary data
#74 opened by csbenjamin - 1
Filter/query data store
#75 opened by zzph - 1
Undo Redo Support
#78 opened by websiddu - 0
sync multiple documents
#77 opened by robhicks - 2
Documentation on creating your own provider
#72 opened by ericwooley - 0
Array is missing includes and some()
#65 opened by UXDart - 1
`unshift` not wroks
#67 opened by uinz - 1
Circular dependencies
#68 opened by dl8sd11 - 3
Yjs transact
#66 opened by skomlaebri - 2
only refresh when there is a change
#63 opened by UXDart - 2
set whole object on useSyncedStore
#64 opened by UXDart - 1
How to use with mobx class stores?
#62 opened by tomaszferens - 1
Svelte demo - too much recursion
#61 opened by aubergene