
Project created to teach students who to make contribute to OSS

RamDev Hacktoberfest Repo


This repo is for VCU students wanting to create their first pull request. The README.md file contains the intructions on how to add your name to this repo to get your first pull request.


The first step in this process is to fork this repo. To do that, click on the fork button in the top right corner. That will fork this repository onto your github.


Cloning is the process of taking the repo online and putting it on your local machine. You do this whenever you want to edit something inside the repo. The command to clone a repo onto your computer is:

    ~$ git clone the-repo-url.git


For this repo, we're going to have you put your name in the README. Simply put your username linked to your github until the names list. (Follow the format of the other names in the list)

* [username](url-to-github-account)


Next, commit your changes and upload then to your github.

    ~$ git add .
    ~$ git commit -m "your-msg"
    ~$ git push origin master

Pull Request

To do a pull request, go back to the RamDev github. Click on the pull requests tab and then to create new pull request. You will be prompted to write a pull request message and then be allowed to create the pull request.