
Personal Project | My very first Python game with Pygame

Primary LanguagePython


Hey, this is my first game (simple game) only with python. This game was made in 2019, it was my first time using pygame package.

In this game, you control a hero, who wants to beat some monsters.

<<<The game is currently not finished yet, because I'm a student so i dont have time to finish the game.>>>


space = shoot magic balls

Right Arrow key = going Right

Left Arrow key = going Left

Up Arrow key = he jump

down Arrow key = do nothing :)

I actually made only two stages:

  • The first with a 2 goblins and 1 wizard

When you beat the two goblins, the wizard start the fight with magic balls. To kill the wizard, you need to touche his heart ( good luck it's a little hard)

When the wizard is dead, the stage 2 begin:

In this stage, you need to touch the head of the boss, but be carefull his fire dragon can beat you haha.

I let this bad game and program just to see my progress in python through year