
Fork for versioning BA project

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Youssef Henna Bachelor Contribution to Module Handbook

tl;dr: Quick start with an existing dump

(other options below)


git clone git@github.com:modulehandbook/modulehandbook.git

cd modulehandbook make start make file=../module-handbook.pgdump init

open http://localhost:3000

This is a Ruby on Rails application using a MariaDB Database and Devise for Authentication (heartcombo/devise: Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.).

Bootstrap is used for the frontend.

The Modulehandbook is being designed and developed by a team within the joint project German International University of Applied Sciences (GIU AS) - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin University of Applied Sciences - HTW Berlin in order to ease collaborative editing of the study programs for the GIU AS.

Start Locally

make start

The makefile contains useful commands; have a look at it. make start uses docker-compose up to start up the docker containers

  • module-handbook
  • module-handbook-exporter
  • module-handbook-mariadb It uses the Exporter specified in TAG_MODULE_HANDBOOK_EXPORTER set in the makefile.

Set up Database

see the makefile for details and settings

You can either create a new database with seed data or import a db dump:

  • Seed Data: make new_db
  • Import Dump:
  1. with makefile: make file=<dumpfile> import_dump
  2. Manually
  • copy the db dump to ./pg_transfer which is mounted to cp ./pg_transfer/uas-module-handbook-cron-2022-11-23--13-00-00.pgdump
  • open bash in pg container make bash_db
  • restore the database: (alter the file name as needed!) pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U modhand -d modhand-dev /var/lib/postgresql/transfer/uas-module-handbook-cron-2022-11-23--13-00-00.pgdump

import for prod db: DBNAME=modhand-db-prod file=../uas-module-handbook-cron-2022-11-28--22-00-00.pgdump make import_dump

Devise Authentication Setup

The Modulehandbook uses Devise for Authentication. New Users can register on the site themselves, but need to be approved by any admin (an existing user with role 'admin'). Furthermore, they need to confirm their email.

For this to work devise needs an email account configured for actionmailer. Create an email-Account and set these environment variables:

export HOSTNAME=
export SMTP_PORT=465
export SMTP_SERVER=smtp.strato.de
export SMTP_LOGIN=

Starting the app locally

bundle install
rails server

This needs an open local MariaDB running. Start mariaDB in docker container:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d module-handbook-mariadb

See the makefile for more useful commands.

Start in docker container

 docker-compose up
 make new_db

Set up server on Heroku with seeded database

Set up heroku server

heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku run rails db:migrate
heroku open

Set up mailer for devise

Devise sends emails to confirm new users and for password resets.

 heroku config:set HOSTNAME=modulehandbook.server.com
 heroku config:set SMTP_PORT=587
 heroku config:set SMTP_SERVER=smtp.server.de
 heroku config:set SMTP_LOGIN=email@server.com
 heroku config:set SMTP_PASSWORD=geheim
 heroku config:set DEVISE_EMAIL=email@server.com

Seed the database

heroku config:set SEED_USER_PW=<pw for users in seed>
heroku run rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=staging

(use RAILS_ENV=staging to avoid sending user creation email. This works on heroku as heroku overwrites and environment db config)

The seeds creates an example program for International Media and Computation at HTW Berlin with one user within each role. See db/seeds.rb

['admin@mail.de', :admin], ['reader@mail.de', :reader], ['writer@mail.de', :writer], ['editor@mail.de', :editor], ['qa@mail.de', :qa]

Further Admin Info


dumps are made with pg_dump -fC (special file format) which can be restored with pg_restore

  • create production dump: make dump_production

creates a file like ../mh-dumps/htw/modhand-2022-12-08--22-48-27.pgdump

  • import to local dev db: make import_dump_local, e.g.
DBNAME=modhand-db-dev file=../mh-dumps/htw/modhand-2022-12-08--22-48-27.pgdump make import_dump_local

Import Heroku Dump

Manually, with the dumps mount in place and a current dump copied there: docker-compose exec postgresql bash pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U modhand -d modhand /var/lib/postgresql/dumps/uas-module-handbook-cron-2020-12-06--14-00-00.pgdump

or, use this for the container (also in makefile)

docker-compose exec postgresql pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U modhand -d modhand /var/lib/postgresql/$(file)

Heroku Deployment for GIU AS

Automatic Deployment to Staging

(Automation is done by heroku, see https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/module-handbook-staging/deploy/github)

Everything in the branch staging is automatically deployed on the staging server. To trigger the automatic deployment to http://module-handbook-staging.herokuapp.com/ use the following steps:

git checkout staging
git pull origin master
git push

Automatic Deployment to Production

(Automation is done by heroku, see https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/module-handbook/deploy/github)

Everything in the branch release is automatically deployed on the production server. To trigger the automatic deployment to http://module-handbook.herokuapp.com/ use the following steps:

git checkout release
git pull origin master
git push

Push directly to heroku

git push heroku master

Migration on Heroku

heroku run rake db:migrate

Heroku DB Backups

heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download

(now automatically on one macos via crontab:)

0 * * * * bash && cd /Users/kleinen/mine/current/code/uas-module-handbook/module-handbook && make crondump

Running the Test suite

rails test
rails test:system

rails test test/** - runs all tests.

Test Coverage

rails test

generates test coverage. does not work properly when calling rake/rake test

added bootstrap with webpack

yarn add bootstrap jquery popper.js

Deployment to HTW server with Github actions

Docker and Docker Compose

The Dockerfile contains three targets. modhand-dev contains dev and test dependencies which are not needed in production.

  • modhand-base
  • modhand-prod
  • modhand-dev
docker build --target modhand-prod .

local startup in prod environment:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.localprod.yml up

see the makefile for various start/stop and database setup commands.

Notes for Docker running on Windows machines

Git on windows automatically checks out all files from a Github repository with CRLF line separator which is problematic when building the docker image locally which runs on a linux machine, and creates a fatal error.

To disable this 'feature' before checking out repository

git config --global core.autocrlf false

If the files were already checked out, make sure to change docker-entrypoint.sh file and rails file to the LF line separator before building the image.

This can be done through several IDEs, or even through Notepad++(Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Unix)

Useful commands on the servers

sudo docker-compose up sudo docker-compose down

docker stop module-handbook docker-compose exec module-handbook bash docker restart modulehandbook docker ps



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