
This is an API for transfer money between two accounts using GOLang.

  1. Database Design(Used in-memory DS to mimic database)
  • account table: id (int, PK), name (string), balance (decimal), created_at (timestamp), updated_at (timestamp).
  • transaction table: id (int, PK), from_account_id (int, FK ->, to_account_id (int, FK ->, amount (decimal), created_at (timestamp).
  1. Models
  • Built Structs for Account and Transaction corresponding to the database tables.
  • Expose Only interfaces instead of the actual structs.
  1. Data Store
  • Mimic models and indices using DSA(Datastructures and Algorithms).
  • Built shardedMap for more concurrency performance.
  • Handled concurrency (read and write locks)
  1. Services
  • Splited bulks into chunks and assign goroutine to increase the performance.
  • Used goroutine for inserting each element in chunk(As it now sharded).
  • Handled Concurrent Transfering by deadlock avoidance technique.
    • always sort IDs of both accounts to ensure consistancy behavior and locking.
    • always lock the account with minimum ID value to avoid deadlock. REF: services/account.go:111
  1. APIs
  • Split the API into two resources /accounts and /transactions.
  • Each one handle it's own flow.
  • Wrote Integration tests for all endpoints.
    • you can run it using go test -v ./api/api_tests
    • you can run the server using go run main.go
  • Documented the API HERE


  • add getting transactions between two dates(Range Search) we can do that with 3 different options.
    1. AVL, Balanced BSTs.
    2. B-Trees.
    3. Interval trees.
  • setting a monitoring service for the API (Performance and Error).

Sequence Diagram


Upcoming features

  • Deactivate Accounts. As we could use the transactions' data history in training Ai Models to create a new AI-based features.
  • Enhance data ingestion by using background jobs and queues.