
Library of custom designed calenderview.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A sample library which gives you custom design CalendarView with dialog functionality and event handlers.

1: CalendarView

Demo Screen

1.1: Import Library

implementation 'com.github.shahzadafridi:CalenderView:1.1.2'

1.2: XML File


1.3: Kotlin Code

  var calendarView = findViewBydId(R.id.calendar_view)

          font = R.font.titillium_web_semibold,
          textSize = 20,
          selectedTextColor = R.color.black,
          unSelectedTextColor = R.color.greyed_out,
          background = R.color.white,
          months = monthsNameList
          font = R.font.titillium_web_semibold,
          textColor = R.color.black,
          textSize = 14,
          background = R.color.white,
          weekDays = weekDaysNameList
          font = R.font.titillium_web_semibold,
          textColor = R.color.black,
          textSize = 16,
          selectedTextColor = R.color.white,
          selectedBackground = R.drawable.ic_green_oval,
          background = R.color.white
      .withEvents(events, R.color.green)

1.4: CalendarView Event Handles

calendarView.setEventHandler(object : CalenderViewInterface.EventHandler {

    override fun onDayClick(view: View?, date: Date, position: Int) {
        val df = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance()
        Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, df.format(date), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        Log.e("TEST", "onDayClick")

    override fun onDayLongClick(view: View?, date: Date, position: Int) {
        val df = SimpleDateFormat.getDateInstance()
        Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, df.format(date), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        Log.e("TEST", "onDayLongClick")

    override fun onBackClick(view: View?) {
        Log.e("TEST", "onBackClick")

    override fun onMonthClick(view: View?, month: String, position: Int) {
        Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, month, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
        Log.e("TEST", "onMonthClick")

2: CalendarViewDialog

Demo Screen

2.1: Kotlin Code

        var dialog = CalendarViewDialog(this) // this is context
        var calendarView = dialog!!.getCalendarView()
        // Follow 1.3 Step. It is same configuration.

Methods Info

  • withYearPanel can change Date formate, Text Color, Text Size, Text Font
  • withBackButton can close CalendarView with Back Button
  • withMonthPanel can change the month Text font, Text Size, Selected Text Color, Unselected Text Color, month names, Background of month layout
  • withWeekPanel can change the week days Text font, Text Color, Text Size,days name, Background of week layout
  • withDayPanel can change the day Text font, Text Color, Text Size, Selected background, Selected Text Color, Background of day
  • withCalenderViewBg can change the CalendarView background
  • withEvents can gives events dates to calendarView which shows small dot indcaotr below of day

Watch Demo Video


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Pull requests are welcomed!
