NLP News articles analysis for udacity Nanodegree

Introduction to Natural Language Processing

NLP is a subset of AI that provides computers ability to process or interact with natural human speech. In NLP, machine learning and deep learning are used on massive amounts of data to obtain the rules and understanding of nuance in human speech.

NLP on Human Voice

For example, everyone who has used Alexa or Google Assistant or other voice command systems knows that these devices are always improving, by collecting and interpreting voice data. Verbal interactions can be incredibly hard to decipher. Sarcasm, for instance, requires understanding not just words and grammar but the tone as well, and regional accents and ways of saying things have to be taken into account, not to mention coverage for all the major languages.

NLP on Text

An example is Grammarly editing tool, which parses the text that you write, and suggests if the tone is professional or not. Another example is the Smart Compose feature for Gmail that uses NLP to suggest words and statements based on your current context.

How to install ?

to install this project write this line in yor terminal

$ git clone
$ cd Evaluate-News-NLP
$ yarn

How to run

1-Sign Up on [MeaningCloud] ( to get your license Key.

2-Create .env file in the root folder.

3- add your license


Open two terminals:

On the first Terminal

$ yarn start

On the second Terminal

$ npm run build-prod


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Project status

In Development


MIT license.