
A web based game of BlackJack using Vanilla JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Table of Contents

Project Breakdown

About The Project

This is a simple blackjack Game with a bot as your opponent. You can use it live here: BlackJack Game

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • BootStrap

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

Download the ZIP file of the repository and unzip it in the local System. There you go! Ready to use.


This is a single player game played against a bot. The rules are simple:

  • You need to press HIT button to draw out a random card.
  • You can keep hitting the HIT button so as to make your score near 21.
  • But Beware! If the score spills out greater than 21, you Bust.
  • Once, you are done click on STAND, and let the bot have its chance.
  • If his score turns out to be greater than yours then you lose and vice-versa.
  • However, if both the scores are equal or both end up Busting, it will be called a draw.
  • Once the winner is declared, press DEAL to register the score and start over.
Happy Playing!