PDF Management & Collaboration System - Frontend

Welcome to the frontend repository of the PDF Management & Collaboration System. This application simplifies the management and collaboration of PDF files, providing users with secure ways to upload, share, and discuss PDF documents.


Built With

This project was bootstrapped with Vite, and uses React, React-PDF, and React-Toastify.


The frontend of the application supports the following features:

  1. User Signup and Authentication Users can create an account and log in with their email and password. Secure access is ensured through authentication.

  2. File Upload Authenticated users can upload PDF files, which are securely stored and validated for format consistency.

  3. Dashboard Users can view a list of files they have access to. Clicking a file will take them directly to it.

  4. File Sharing Users can share files with other authenticated users through generated unique links.

  5. Commenting Users can add and view comments on files.


  1. Security and Data Privacy Only authorized users have access to files and comments, and user passwords are securely hashed and stored.

  2. User Interface and Design The application has an intuitive, user-friendly interface, providing clear navigation, PDF file preview, and easy-to-use commenting features.


To install and run the project locally:

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Yousuf-Ejaz/pdf-management.git
  1. Change into the directory
cd pdf-management
  1. Install Dependencies
npm i
  1. Start the local development server
npm run dev

Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to view the application.


Homepage Dashboard PDF Viewer Login Register

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions!