
Server IP (Internet Protocol) address is an inseparable part of everything connected on the internet. Its purpose is to make it easy to properly recognize a specific place on the internet where the information is supposed to be sent and received.

Before 2011, IPs were following a format of a set of 4 numbers separated by dots. Each number is 1-3 digits long with a value from 0-255. This was called the IPv4 or Internet protocol version 4 format.

However, since 2011, we have exhausted the IPv4 and are now using the IPv6 format that looks a bit like this 2600:1005:b062:61e4:74d7:f292:802c:fbfd.

Server IP address displayed on the screen

source: ITPro

But what’s important for you, is to know that servers assign specific IP addresses also to websites like yours. Also, depending on your hosting, you can get either a shared or dedicated IP address.


apt update && apt upgrade -y

apt install git

apt install python

apt install python2

apt install python3

git clone

cd server-ip


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