
Local cache for git repositories to speed up working with large repositories and multiple clones.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Local cache for git repositories to speed up working with large repositories and multiple clones.

The basic idea of gitcache is to use a local bare mirror that is updated when needed and used as the source repository for multiple local repositories.


  • Wrapper for the git command for easy integration.
  • git-lfs support.
  • Custom update interval of git mirrors including the possibility to perform updates only on explicit request.
  • Statistics available using the gitcache command.
  • Timeouts on all mirror-related operations using a total execution timeout and a timeout on the stdout/stderr output of the commands.
  • Configuration via environment variables, a global configuration file and a per-configuration configuration file.


gitcache is designed to be used as a wrapper to git, so in the following we show how gitcache translates the git commands for the individual operations.

When the user issues a

git clone https://github.com/seeraven/gitcache.git

for the first time, the repository https://github.com/seeraven/gitcache.git is cloned into a bare mirror $GITCACHE_DIR/mirrors/github.com/seeraven/gitcache/git and then the git command is rewritten to

git clone $GITCACHE_DIR/mirrors/github.com/seeraven/gitcache/git gitcache

to create the clone. In addition, the push URL of the clone is adjusted to the upstream URL.

Whenever the user issues another git clone command of that repository, the mirror is updated (if the update strategy permits it) and the local clone is created as before.

Whenever the user performs a git pull or git fetch on that local clone, gitcache checks whether the repository is handled by gitcache (that is the pull URL is pointing to the mirror, the push URL is pointing to the upstream URL). If it is, it updates the mirror first (according to the update strategy) and executes the original command afterwards.

In addition to the git repositories, gitcache supports git-lfs as well and updates of the mirror include updates of the git-lfs part. You can configure gitcache to either use a global git-lfs storage directory or to use per mirror storage directories (the default).

All update operations on a mirror use a lock to ensure that only one modifies the mirror. This is crucial as simultaneous clones would easily lead to inconsistent behaviours and ugly race conditions.

Mirror Update Strategy

The mirror update strategy is controlled using the so called update interval. It gives the time between two updates of a mirror in seconds and allows you to save network bandwidth by avoiding multiple updates at almost the same time.

In addition, updates from the git pull and git fetch commands can be completely disabled by setting it to a negative value. This means that updates of the mirrors are only performed if explicitly requested by a git update-mirrors command. This can be useful on CI servers to control network usage even further.

Installation on Linux

gitcache is distributed as a single executable packaged using pyInstaller. So all you have to do is to download the latest executable and copy it to a location of your choice, for example ~/bin:

wget https://github.com/seeraven/gitcache/releases/download/v1.0.17/gitcache_v1.0.17_Ubuntu22.04_amd64
mv gitcache_v1.0.17_Ubuntu22.04_amd64 ~/bin/gitcache
chmod +x ~/bin/gitcache

gitcache can be used as a stand-alone command, but it is much easier to use it as a wrapper to git. All you have to do is to create a symlink and to adjust the PATH variable so that the wrapper is found before the real git command:

ln -s gitcache ~/bin/git
export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

The export statement should be added to your ~/.bashrc file to set it permanently.

Installation on Windows

Download the latest executable for Windows from the release page https://github.com/seeraven/gitcache/releases. Rename the executable to gitcache.exe and put it into a directory in your PATH, e.g., into C:\Windows. Then create a symlink to git.exe by opening a console and executing:

cd C:\Windows
mklink git.exe gitcache.exe

Please note that the directory you are putting the symlink into should be stated before the real git command directory in your PATH variable!

Installation on MacOS

A single pyInstaller executable has a huge startup delay on MacOS, therefore gitcache is distributed as a tar-ball (*.tgz file). Download the archive and extract it at your desired target location (the archive contains a subfolder):

cd /my/target/destination
tar xfz gitcache_v1.0.17_Darwin_arm64.tgz
ls gitcache_v1.0.17_Darwin_arm64

To use the gitcache command, the final installation directory should be put into your PATH variable. To use it as a wrapper to the git command, you have to create the symlink and adjust the PATH variable so that the wrapper is found bfore the real git command as described on the installation on Linux section.


gitcache stores all files under in the directory ~/.gitcache. This base directory can be changed by setting the GITCACHE_DIR environment variable. When the GITCACHE_DIR is created, the default configuration file GITCACHE_DIR/config is created and populated with the default values.

The current configuration can be shown by calling


For every item, you'll see a corresponding environment variable that can be used to overwrite the setting of the configuration file.

The configuration options are:

Category Config Item Default Value Environment Variable
System realgit /usr/bin/git GITCACHE_REAL_GIT
MirrorHandling updateinterval 0 s GITCACHE_UPDATE_INTERVAL
MirrorHandling cleanupafter 14 days GITCACHE_CLEANUP_AFTER
Command warniflockedfor 10 s GITCACHE_COMMAND_WARN_IF_LOCKED_FOR
UrlPatterns excluderegex (empty) GITCACHE_URLPATTERNS_EXCLUDE_REGEX

Configuration items that expect a time support the following values:

  • Suffix w, wks or weeks to give the time in weeks.
  • Suffix d, dys or days to give the time in days.
  • Suffix h, hrs or hours to give the time in hours.
  • Suffix m, mins or minutes to give the time in minutes.
  • Suffix s, secs or seconds to give the time in seconds.
  • Numbers can be integer or float, e.g, 1.5 weeks.

The following list gives a description of the configuration options:

  • System/realgit (GITCACHE_REAL_GIT) specifies the real git command. This is usually /usr/bin/git but can be changed as you like.

  • MirrorHandling/updateinterval (GITCACHE_UPDATE_INTERVAL) gives the minimum time between two mirror updates. If this is set to 0, the mirror is updated always when needed. If you set this to something like 10 minutes then the mirror is updated only if the last update was at least 10 minutes ago.

  • MirrorHandling/cleanupafter (GITCACHE_CLEANUP_AFTER) specifies how old mirrors are detected. This is relevant for the gitcache -c resp. git cleanup command which removes all old mirrors. The time given here specifies the time since the last update of the mirror.

  • To ensure only one command acts on the mirror, a locking mechanism is used that is finetuned by the settings of the Command category. The Command/checkinterval (GITCACHE_COMMAND_CHECK_INTERVAL) option specifies at what time interval a locked mirror is checked again. The option Command/locktimeout specifies the total timeout after which to give up. Finally, the Command/warniflockedfor gives the time after which the user is warned when the mirror is locked.

  • git commands initiated by gitcache that might take a long time are monitored to detect stalled executions. The monitoring is implemented by looking at the stdout/stderr output and the command is assumed to be stalled when there was no output received within a certain time. This timeout is given in the configuration options GC/outputtimeout (GITCACHE_GC_COMMAND_TIMEOUT), LFS/outputtimeout (outputtimeout), Clone/outputtimeout (GITCACHE_CLONE_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) and Update/outputtimeout (GITCACHE_UPDATE_OUTPUT_TIMEOUT) for the corresponding git operations garbage collection, lfs file retrieval, clone and update.

    In addition, a total timeout for each of these groups is given by the options GC/commandtimeout (GITCACHE_GC_COMMAND_TIMEOUT), LFS/commandtimeout (GITCACHE_LFS_COMMAND_TIMEOUT), Clone/commandtimeout (GITCACHE_CLONE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) and Update/commandtimeout (GITCACHE_UPDATE_COMMAND_TIMEOUT).

    If an operation fails, it is retried before finally giving up. This is configured by the GC/retries (GITCACHE_GC_RETRIES), LFS/retries (GITCACHE_LFS_RETRIES), Clone/retries (GITCACHE_CLONE_RETRIES) and Update/retries (GITCACHE_UPDATE_RETRIES) options.

  • LFS/permirrorstorage (GITCACHE_LFS_PER_MIRROR_STORAGE) is a boolean flag that determines whether each mirror will have its own lfs storage directory (True) or whether a shared directory is used (False).

  • UrlPatterns/includeregex (GITCACHE_URLPATTERNS_INCLUDE_REGEX) and UrlPatterns/excluderegex (GITCACHE_URLPATTERNS_EXCLUDE_REGEX) are used to identify repositories to mirror. The patterns are checked against the remote URL of a repository and it is only mirrored if the include pattern matches and the exclude pattern does not. If the exclude pattern is empty, it is internally converted into a regex that matches nothing (as an empty string would actually match always which would exclude all URLs).

gitcache Command Usage

The gitcache command provides the following options:

  • -h, --help to show the command help.
  • -c, --cleanup to remove all outdated mirrors.
  • -u, --update-all to update all mirrors ignoring the update interval.
  • -d MIRROR, --delete MIRROR to delete a mirror identified by its upstream URL or its path in the cache. This option can be specified multiple times.
  • -s, --show-statistics to show the statistics of gitcache.
  • -z, --zero-statistics to clear the statistics.

Without any options the gitcache command shows the current configuration.

When called as gitcache git ... it wraps the given git command as described in the next section.

Handled git Commands

The following git commands are handled specially. All other commands are forwarded to the real git command.

  • git cleanup to remove all outdated mirrors.
  • git update-mirrors to update all mirrors ignoring the update interval.
  • git delete-mirror to delete a mirror identified by its upstream URL or its path in the cache.
  • git ls-remote to update the mirror and using it for the remote source of the ls-remote command.
  • git checkout to perform an lfs fetch for specified refs.
  • git clone to create or update the mirror and clone from the mirror.
  • git lfs fetch to fetch the lfs handled files for the mirror.
  • git lfs pull to fetch the lfs handled files for the mirror.
  • git pull to update the mirror before updating the clone.
  • git fetch to update the mirror before updating the clone.
  • git submodule init to allow correct initialization of the submodules.
  • git submodule update to call the gitcache for every submodule.


For debugging, set the environment variable GITCACHE_LOGLEVEL to Debug:


Security Considerations

The main idea behind gitcache is to perform the caching of the git repositories only for the current user. This means that you should not share the mirrored git repositories with other users, as you do not know if another user would have the permission to access the remote repository.

Notes on Releases

Releases are now automatically built if a new tag v<major>.<minor>.<revision> is pushed to the repository. This changes the release process a little bit:

  • Ensure the upcoming release is fully tested. A look on the commits on github should be enough.

  • Modify the CHANGELOG.md file and insert the new version number.

  • Commit the modified CHANGELOG.md file and tag the commit with the new version number.

  • As soon as the new tag is pushed to github, the release is built. When it is finished, it is found as a draft on the releases page.

  • As github does not (yet) support Ubuntu 24.04, that release must be built manually by calling:

    make releases/gitcache_v1.0.17_Ubuntu24.04_x86_64.venv.ubuntu24.04
  • Now edit the release draft, insert the changes from the CHANGELOG.md file and upload the Ubuntu 24.04 binary. Then the release can be saved as a regular release.

  • Now prepare the next version. Edit the files Makefile, pyproject.toml, src/git_cache/git_cache_command.py and doc/source/installation.rst and replace the version number:

    sed -i 's/1.0.17/1.0.18/g' Makefile pyproject.toml src/git_cache/git_cache_command.py doc/source/installation.rst