Hi there 👋

Python developer in the day, Go developer (gopher) under the hood. Big fan of full-text search and graph databases.

Contributed to different open source projects:

  • apache airflow
  • docker registry
  • pyhelm, aiohttp-swagger, mezzanine
  • chalice, requests, aiohttp tutorial
  • sendgrid-python and sendgrid-django
  • OpenAPI v3 specification, fix Go docs

Speaker at FOSDEM 2020 (go track), GoDays 2020, GopherCon Russia 2020, GoWayFest 4.0, PyCaribbean, PyCon Italia 2017, EuroPython 2016, PyCon Israel, PyCon Ukraine 2014, PyCon Belarus 2015-2018 PyCon Russia 2015-2016, OdessaPy (Ukraine) and lot’s of local meetups.

Blogger at https://golangfortwo.com/

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