
Print the IP addresses in a given range

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Print the IP addresses in a given range


Invoking prips.sh -h prints usage information:

$ prips.sh -h
$ usage: prips.sh [options] <start> <end>
$         -n <x> set the number of addresses to print (<end> must not be set)
$         -f <x> set the format of addresses (hex, dec, or dot)
$         -i <x> set the increment to 'x'
$         -h     display this help message and exit
$         -v     display the version number and exit

Display all the addresses in a reserved subnet:

$ prips.sh

Display every fourth address in a weird block:

$ prips.sh -i4

Installing prips.sh from source

Check out a copy of the prips.sh repository. Then, either add the prips.sh bin directory to your $PATH, or run the provided install.sh command with the location to the prefix in which you want to install prips.sh. For example, to install prips.sh into /usr/local:

$ git clone https://github.com/honzahommer/prips.sh.git
$ cd prips.sh
$ ./install.sh /usr/local

Note that you may need to run install.sh with sudo if you do not have permission to write to the installation prefix.

Or use on-line install script:

$ wget -qO- https://git.io/prips.sh | sh [-s - PREFIX]`


The prips.sh source code repository is hosted on GitHub. There you can file bugs on the issue tracker or submit tested pull requests for review.

Version history

0.1.0 (March 15, 2020)

  • Initial public release.

© 2020 Honza Hommer. prips.sh is released under an MIT-style license; see LICENSE for details.