
A forum backend for use with Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A server-less forum software on Cloudflare workers using Durable Objects as storage.

Frontend Guide

All backend service start from /api .

Login and verify login

For login, client will send a request to /api/auth/login with JSON formatted credentials in POST body:

  • Username uid
  • Authentication method pw or totp (TOTP is still await implementing)
  • Authentication code, either password or TOTP token code

Then a authenticated token will be sent to client, its a BASE64 encoded cipher string. Its valid for 12 hours. To check if a token is still valid or see its status, send this string back to /api/auth/verify to verify it, still pass it in JSON format with key code .


This includes read, reply and create new posts. All these operations are accessible from /api/discuss . A JSON serialized object will be passed into POST body.

  • All request must have an method item to identify which operation is to be done. It has possible values read , create , and reply .

  • Also, all these operations must have a perm item to carry the authenticated access token. The authenticated token is the BASE64 encoded string obtained from the login API. This token can be optional, when omitted, it will be internally defaults to guest user with permission level 255. Sometimes it defaults to 254, which is a bug.

Apart from these parameter, each operation consists of their own parameters to specify which operation is to be done.


A threadId item must be passed to specify which thread you want to view.


You will need to send a threadId item as well, and also a message object messageObj (currently is type string) to specify the content of your message.


To create a new discussion thread, you need these:

  • topicname to specify the title of this discussion.
  • firstpost that's your first post in this discussion, 1st floor.
  • properties for metadata. Currently you can only set different permission levels by including a sub-item in it named priv , its a array of 2 integers, sequenced [read, write] .


This is the main post listing if you want to have a mainpage. Just send a GET request to /api/mainpage and a JSON object of all message listings will be returned.