
Personal plugin realisation using the [rust-lv2](https://github.com/RustAudio/rust-lv2) framework

Primary LanguageRust


Personal plugin realisation using the rust-lv2 framework


Building for the first time require an internet connection.

  • cargo xtask build to build all plugins.
  • cargo xtask build -p <plugin> to build a particular plugin.
  • add --release flag to build in release mode.

Be patient, building for the first time is very long.

Built plugins are placed in the lv2 folder inside the cargo output directory. For example if you used cargo xtask build, plugin are placed by default in target/debug/lv2. See cargo documentation for more details.


  • cargo xtask install to build with optimisation and install all plugins.
  • cargo xtask build -p <plugin> to build a particular plugin with optimisation and install it.
  • don't forget the --release flag, to enable optimisation!
  • use --install-dir option to change the installation path. The default installation destination is the LV2 user specific standard path.

Don't forget the --release flag, to enable optimisation!

Note about xtask

xtask is a custom embedded script written to handle post-build actions. Sometimes, this script may fail with some particular cargo configuration. Typical error is file not found. Feel free to fill an issue and describe cargo configuration if it happen.


These plugins are released under the GPL V3 license, see the joined file gpl-3.0.txt for a copy.